Do you need to control the unit later or is he just a static unit to give some atmosphere to the mission\intro\cutscene
I.E. is he grouped to you :-\
Because it's alitle confusing when u first write:
...start the mission sitting down AND STAY SAT DOWN UNTIL I TELL HIM TO GET UP?
and then:
Oh well, it doesn't matter too much, he gets napalmed within the first half minute anyway.
Well if he's just a static loon then use DisableAI, but if you need to control him, then use dostop and perhaps switchUnitPos "down" or something like that, because u can't enableAI after u've disabled it.
And also, are u writing this in the init field or in a script like init.sqs?!?
If in the init field use setbehaviour "safe" to make it work,
if your using init.sqs you shouldn't have to make his behaviour safe.
The reason the L00ns stand up is the collision detection system in OFP,
I.E. you place em' too close to eachother n' they start to feel crowded => then walk away
the same "bug" or limitation (whatever u want to call it) afects the loons if u shoot em' when they are performing certain animations, e.g. "fxExecution"... so when u execute a loon that's in the midle of the animation he suddenly stands up like in an afterdeath spasm or sumthin' instead of falling smoothly too the ground like he should
. But it shouldn't affect ALL animations just some of em'.
But the dostop thingy or disableAI should work, if not then don't place them so close to each other or any object.
G.Luck mate