wrong board, m8, but WTF
[moved from general editing]
here's what:
go visit "GOOGLE" and search for "DB PowerAmp music converter" or alike...
then you can convert yer mp3's to either .wav or .ogg (both work)
later baby!
oh, and here's how to get the crap into yer mission:
Make a "description.ext" file using NOETPAD.
copy/paste the following stuff into the file:
class CfgMusic
   class MyMusicFile
      name = "Combat Action";
      sound[] = {\music\action.wav, db+2, 1.0};
now, here are the details, matey:
to play a track like that, you could create a trigger; once yer music has been defined in the .ext file, you can simply select the track (displayName is the "Combat Action"), so ya can just choose from the music list in the trigger window!
Or (in scripts) you could setup this code :
PlayMusic "MyMusicFile"
note that this was the CLASS NAME, not the displayName!
- always use classNames when calling stuff from scripts!
OK. The last info is the PATH to yer music:
note that the music file is located here:
sound[] = {\music\action.wav, db+2, 1.0};
this means that inside yer "MISSION_Name.abel" folder, you have another folder named "Music"
and in there U have the actual soundFile (action.wav)
The "db+2, 1.0" simply means volume & pitch control, so "db+40, 0.85" would mean that
your music wuz turned up LOUD and will play SLOWER than default (which is 1.00)
would that do, master?!