yes there is.
maybe it is even better to call him in from a position on the ground, at an airbase
(sometimes the engine noise from a circling plane can be quite annoying)
Have a plane (empty) sit on the runway, pointing the right way for take-off preferrably.
create a pilot. place him near the plane.
give the pilot 3 (or more) waypoints;
the first one is at or near his position. a MOVE wp.
the second one is on the plane, a GETIN wp.
the third one is where you want him to go after takeoff.
this can be a S&D waypoint for instance.
maybe 4th or more for him to return to base and land.
Then make a Trigger;
Activated by Radio alpha, or whatever channel you prefer.
synchronize this trigger with the pilot's FIRST waypoint.
to do this hit F5 and drag a line from the trigger to the WP.
the pilot will have gone to his first wp. and he is waiting there for the trigger to be set off.
So if you call him on radio (0-0-1 in case you used alpha channel) he will continue to his next, thus getting in and flying to the third one
(you air support location).
If you want him already flying somewhere then the same principle applies. just synchronize a radio trigger to the waypoint BEFORE the assault one.
hope this helps