Camera.SQS simply rocks !
t's actually the only way to visit a building, as one requested.
Moves are smooth or aren't, it just depends on how much you squeeze the cam: a 180° turn in 20sec is gonna be SMMOOOOOTHHH i'll be asleep before it ends. AND with only 2 points to define... Not much hard work...
But if you forget to firstly create a camera in your script, well, then, you ain't got nothing but error messages...
There is a structure to this, my way is:
Do a new txt, call it icamera.sqs, put it in the current mission folder, leave it open "under" OFP.
I call them "icamera.sqs" for introcam, and this way just one letter to add or remove in the initline to work/check/work/check...
then steal the first line of any cutscene script: it looks like
titleCut ["DoFP Modding-the-Mod Mod Pre-Release n°1","BLACK IN", 10]
; Create cam (called "camera")
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]
(Obviously MY current project, there....)
Go to OFP and put yourself at the right place.
Commands are:
Fire button (not mouse) to save
+- to zoom
8/2 look up/down
4/6 turn left/right
your favorite set of movements keys to move. mine is (AZERTY Stuff):
a up
< down
z forward
s backwards
q strafe left
d strafe right
Choose ya point, and out to the "icamera.sq", Ctrl+V, you got it.
then use Camera.sqs a lot, && I do recommand you to mix it with camsettarget
player or VehicleTrucand also to fool around with the cammcomit time && the Zoom.
Great Stuff this Stuff.
DON'T forget to endup the proper way:
_camera cameraeffect ["terminate", "back"]
camdestroy _camera
; fade back in over 2 seconds
titlecut ["EndOfTest","BLACK IN",4]
; exit the script
It's an old thread, I know, but I'll keep posted anyway.