"unassignVehicle _x" forEach stick1
<-- MOVE THIS LINE_jumpers =
units stick1
<-- CHANGE THIS_a = 0
_b = count _jumpers
(_jumpers select _a) action ["EJECT", condor]
unassignVehicle (_jumpers select _a)
_a = _a + 1
? _b > _a: goto "Go"
"unassignVehicle _x" forEach _jumpers
<-- DOWN TO HEREcondor lock true
<--ADD THIS (IF YOUR SCRIPT IS FINISHED)By unassigning them before they eject, you're basically giving them a GET OUT waypoint, probably at the airfield,
since they're in a plane. Even tho you eject them, they still want to complete their get out order. Unassign them individually as you already do, then at the end just for insurance you can do the group.