Hi all. Okay, so I have a section in my mission where lots of things can happen to bring reinforcements to the area. What I want to prevent is the possibility of killing all the AI in the trigger zone ....activating the "East not present " trigger ...when all of a sudden paratroopers are falling on your head.
So my thought is to place a GameLogic in the trigger area and group it to a West unit. Then at a certain point in a script when all reinforcements have arrived, setpos the GL out of that area.
Am I on the right track? Do I need to group this GL with a West unit who will be active or can it be one that is deleted after the game starts? I don't want the game to move the GL "into formation" by default on startup and have it be out of the area. Can a GL take orders? I've never used one in this capacity, so any help is appreciated.