Multimedia for
REpository (
AMORE) is a new and easy way to distribute OFP music and sound files separately from the missions they've been bundled into until now.
What's that good for? How does it work? What other uses does AMORE have? Is AMORE proprietary? You can find out by going straight to
The FAQ's new AMORE section, now listed on The FAQ's left side menu (if you don't see it there, refresh/reload the menu's frame).
AMORE is a working concept in progress, so bear with me while it takes shape. Thanks!
I can tell you some things that AMORE is immediately looking for:
1. A sample mission, designed to AMORE standards, along with it's associated AMORE files.
2. Technical articles on creating sound mod config.cpp files using AMORE.
TIA. Comments welcome!