---easy info---
It's just moving the unit with direct commands instead of waypoints. Lags less, depending on how it's used..
Create a marker of type "empty" (type "empty" unless you want the marker to be shown on map)
Name the marker logically.. maybe something like plane1move1
In a trigger or script or whatever you can then use the move commands:
unitname move getmarkerpos "markername"
the "" quotes are essential.. so with your plane it could look something like this:
plane1 move getmarkerpos "plane1move1"
---easy info ends---
---stuff ment to confuse you starts---
You can also use 'domove' command. The difference is that with domove a single unit moves and with move the whole squad moves.. if I'm correct. But that's really not important because I assume you will have your planes as their own separate groups (ie not grouped together).
Furthermore if you don't want to use 'getmarkerpos' command you can use 'getpos' with any object or unit found on map. It's very popular to use gamelogics to give positions.. however I prefer markers.. it's just me. To use game logics your command line could look something like this:
plane1 move getpos gl1
Where gl1 is a gamelogic named as gl1. Note that you don't use the "" quotes as you do with the getmarkerpos command. Also note that as I said above it doesn't have to be a gamelogic, you can use what ever objects on the map, if they happen to be/ if you place them, to a spot suitable for you.
---stuff ment to confuse you ends---
---smartass stuff starts---
You can also use these commands so that you don't have to use gamelogics or markers. What the getpos and getmarkerpos do is they take the x,y,z coordinates of an object/marker (except getmarkerpos only x and y coordinates if I remember correctly). So why not input your own coordinates directly? Yes, why not.
plane1 move [x,y,z]
plane1 move [6000,7000,100]
x is east/west, y is north/south, z is height.
You can get the coordinates easily by using the camera.sqs method.. which can be found in the FAQ I assume. try searching with keywords 'camera.sqs' or 'coordinates' if you really really want to get into this
btw I just typed so much useless information just to make Tomb look bad
---smartass stuff ends---