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Author Topic: Just need some questions answered...  (Read 694 times)

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Just need some questions answered...
« on: 07 Sep 2003, 06:13:56 »
Howdy all..

For my first OFP model I have been making the MIM-23 Hawk.  Quite an undertaking for a first timer, I agree..but I am pretty far along and have a lot done.

I already have the missile and launcher working great. (thanks in part to both Brsseb's and Colonel_Klink's tutorials)

There are just a couple snags I have run into.  I am not able to get the correct view of the weapon when in first person mode.  I am sure this is due to not having some point set to some obscure Czech name or two..

As it is now, when you "get in" the weapon, you are stuck in the middle of it, looking out the back. If you move your mouse around, the turret will move up and down nicely and back and forth correctly.. but your view doesn't change.

I have added a gunner's view vertex but it doesn't appear to do anything and it IS part of the OtocHlaven and OtocVez memory LOD's..

I see that there is a LOD called "View Gunner" but I don't know how to use this?  Can someone give me a clue?

Also, when I put a soldier in the weapon he will turn to face other aircraft but he always faces them with the butt of the missiles instead of the point.. What controls this?

I will keep plugging away at this.. I plan to do a bunch of weapon systems.. I have attached a screenshot of various views of the weapon in Lightwave where I modelled and textured it. (not so good textures, but alot are lost in conversion for some reason)..

ANy help you give would be much appreciated..



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Re:Just need some questions answered...
« Reply #1 on: 07 Sep 2003, 12:49:29 »
That's a very nice model!

On Brsseb's car and boat tutorial, it tells you how how to do a gunner and driver e.t.c, so I suggest you read those to find out how. Also, I'm not sure about this, as I have only made static objects and a few weapons, but weapons need to be made facing left, so if the same applies to vehicles, which is what your model is classified as in OFP, then this might be a problem.

Try these out and see if they work.



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Re:Just need some questions answered...
« Reply #2 on: 08 Sep 2003, 06:00:45 »
I'll have to re-read the tutorials..

I have it so that if you go into first person mode, it correctly allows you to move around.. but if you're in the "gunners view" (for the lack of a better description) that isn't first person, you are stuck in the center of the model... It's strange..