Does anyone know how to stop AI pilots ejecting from a damaged chopper? I would like my two buddies pilot1 and pilot2 to go down WITH their chopper and not just bail because it's about to crash...
The whole idea that someone can eject from a chopper that's spining madly and in the process of crashing is just plain silly!! Not to mention the fact that I've never seen anyone in a helicopter carrying a parachute to start with (I'm drawing my conclusions here from popular movies, the basis for any good education).
Putting aside my concerns about realism in the mission in question, I simply don't have room for two AI chopper pilots running around on the ground and mucking up the delicate balance of my mission.
Knut Erik suggested in another post that I lock the door of the chopper to stop them from ejecting, but unfortunatley the chopper pilots seem to have magical door unlocking skills and despite my adding the line:
slick1 lock TRUE. they still seem able to eject.
Does anyone out there know of any other solutions to my problem? Is no one else bothered by chopper pilots having parachutes!!!!! I mean HONESTLY....
I really need to get out more...