KJAM, you are defenitely not in the position to tell anyone to shut up in our forums. The only ones entitled to do so are our moderators and administrators.
first of all i didnt TELL since when is saying "why dont you shut up" an order or telling someone what to do it was merely a suggestion to prevent flaming, which has so convinently been blamed on me which flaming wasnt my intent
And turning a political debate (which we don't allow) into a personal attack (which is even worse), is not a very wise move. Continue like that and you'll find yourself outside ofpec sooner as you can say "first language".
and again i WASNT "attacking" him personally or anything like that i was just suggesting to him that he pipe down , and respect others opinions which he "said" he respeted and then went on to flame what drozdov said, and critisizing him, which is more of an attack than i supposedly made.
so sorry to the mods FOR:
defending another living beings (Drozdov) beliefs even though they are different to what mine are,
Telling someone to have an open mind instead of being in a closed box
and most of all
for being ME , having my own set of beliefs and being an individual, so if you dont like me being an individual then go ahead ban me, cuz a forum with no respect to individuality, isnt worth the time logging on to.
p.s to be 100% fair, it was Jeffro87 who started the whole politics thing, not anyone else, like i believe that doing anything based on something which is STILL happening is wrong and like i said in my previou post a while back i think something like this should be redirected to the fictional post-malden islands area