"OfficerE" createUnit [getPos _base, dummygroup]
;assign to other group
_member = leader dummygroup
[_member] join grpNull
_grp = group _member
"SoldierEB" createUnit [getPos (leader _grp), _grp]
?(count units _grp == 12):goto "groupfull"
goto "spawnrest"
This code spawns a leader and 11 soldiers, runs great. But only 1 time ! Problem is: i spawn the leader into a pre existing group called DUMMYGROUP which is emtpy. After leader is spawned, he is assigned to another group which name is calculated (_grp).
Sadly, DUMMYGROUP is non existant after the script runs 1 time, because grpNull is used. How can i ...
a.) 'rebuild' DUMMYGROUP
b.) transfer the leader into another group without using 'grpNull' ?
(maybe it's easy to solve, but i don't get it)