To your related q:
1. found with the path "\Misc\compai" or "\DTA\Misc\compai", prolly w/o DTA. You can find all other lobby dialog pics there. Just unpbo. And it can be done with lbSetPicture, but I'm not sure it would be suitable. There is ST_Picture, but I haven't done anything with it yet...
2. When you hint format ["%1",ap] a unit named ap u get Alpha Black:1 or similar. It can be entered into an lb similarly, use
units ap select _i
to pick out the peeps in the right order (might come in it with other commands anyho), and _i+1 for the number of the unit.
3. Gee, typeOf would return ugleh classnames, maybe you should make 2 arrays, list the classname in other and in the same index of the other the string you wan't to show? Naw helluva work.
4. use (name ap).
5. use ? (units ap select _i != player) : ctrlSetText [12345,"omg AI!SCRAMLE!!!"] ;D
...ok, ask a lil less at a time and I can take it to closer view if needed.