Tnx Igor, that did the trick.
So heres the script for making a patrol move randomly between 4 objects, like 4 buildings, lampposts etc.
_obj1 = getpos (object 22222)
_obj2 = getpos (object 33333)
_obj3 = getpos (object 44444)
_obj4 = getpos (object 11111)
_myarray = [_obj1,_obj2,_obj3,_obj4]
_choose = _myarray select (random 3)
"MarkerOne" SetMarkerPos _choose
[UnitOne,1] SetWPPos GetMarkerPos "ptr"
@ UnitReady [UnitOne,1]
Goto "start"
It should make AI patrols less predictebel, yet controlebel.
Now just add grouplink II and U'r set for a hours, off sneeking through the bushes.
*Tnx* all
:afro: [RT] ThåMadz