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Author Topic: Binarizing problems.  (Read 730 times)

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Binarizing problems.
« on: 11 Jun 2003, 05:35:36 »
- run bin.bat with the addon directory name as parameter (E.g. "bin myaddon")

rem Model file optimization

rem Cemove current content
rd /s /q Opt\%1

rem Create target directory
mkdir Opt\%1

rem Perform binarization
binarize -textures=Opt -exclude=Opt\exclude.lst %1 Opt\%1

rem Copy all except model and textures
xcopy %1 Opt\%1 /exclude:exclude.txt

rem Note: textures referenced from other addons or pbo files
rem can be found in corresponding Opt subdirectories (like Opt/Data)

Vagueness... What the hell am I supposed to do here?