There's a script by Skumball available here called "" that might be a good model for you in solving the spawn problem. Adding a second spawned object will also be a breeze.
Example from "":
;takes the following inserted on map:
;1 Pilot named "strikePilot"
;3 Markers ("spawn","safe","target" all set to 'empty')
;1 Trigger (Activation: Radio Alpha, Repeatedly. Text: Air Strike. On Activation: onMapSingleClick {[_pos] exec "airstrike.sqs"}; strikePilot sideChat "Give me a target")
;(this is the opening of sirstrike.sqs:
_pos = _this select 0
"target" setMarkerPos _pos
"target" setMarkerType "destroy"
strikePlane = "A10LGB" camCreate (getMarkerPos "spawn")
strikePlane setPos [(getPos strikePlane select 0),(getPos strikePlane select 1),(getPos strikePlane select 2)+800]
strikePlane setDir 180
The "this SetPos [(getPos, etc.]" command tweeked so your suspended object is below your C130 or helicopter (ie. - 2.0) shouldn't be too difficult.
I think your attempt to figure it out by looking at other semi-similar scripts is the the way to figure out scripting (the way I've been teaching myself, in conjunction with these forums).