THIS WORK NOMATTER WHAT MODE THEY IN (Stealth,safe,aware,ETC.......)
Make a script called anything.sqs
In the init field type
[this] exec "anything.sqs"
NOTE ----- I find that if using more than one vehicle name each vehicle or M2 achine gun and instead of using [this] exec "anything.sqs" use instead
[whatevername] exec "anything.sqs" Dont know why they all wont work wit [this]
so use it this way instead unless you know how to do it some other way.
NOTE2 ----- Somebody informed me that because this is a very fast loop that it might cut down performance a little but I have had no trouble dont try to put
~0.1 or even ~0.01 in loop because this need to be very fast otherwise it will look like strobe lights instead HOPE SOMEBODY FINDS BETTER WAY OR BIS FIXES THIS BUG THANKX.
_this select 0 action ["Light Off"]
goto "A"
Simple Huh
I just found this out ;D ;D ;D
The reason for this is that the action ["Light Off"] command does work! BUT it only turns off for a very split
sec I found this out by using this tool DL from this sight on the bottom of the screen that allows you to type script in the game and execute it LIVE ITS CALLED
((( by
Console for OFP by Vektorboson <>
for updates see ;D ;D