I think that I figured out the cycle command, it basically means that you can make the last waypoint of a unit go back to the first and repeat in a loop, right? So therrefore this would be good to make patrol routes and such. Am I correct in this assumption? My only test was a black ops running around in a small square until I put him out of his misery w/ a grenade.
Actually, that was my only test however I also made a jeep that slowly drove through the backroads of this city and joined in the ride.. sure enough, he looped.
A tank I made driving around the town on a road that circles the city also looped...
The problem I'm having is this group of spetz natz I placed... they get in a car, drive a block, get out, search all the local houses, get in, drive another block, search the houses etc... all the way around town. At the end (which is back at the beginning) they leap out and just stand there...
so my question is, ne1 know what I did wrong, or do I have the "cycle" command totally conused?