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Author Topic: How can I make a weapon fire more than 1 kind of ammo?  (Read 735 times)

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I am working on a mortar addon, and need it to fire HE, AP, illum, and WP

High exlposive, anti personel proximity (explode 5m to 10m above ground, ilumination, and white phospherus rounds.

How can I do this?


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Re:How can I make a weapon fire more than 1 kind of ammo?
« Reply #1 on: 04 Jun 2003, 17:14:09 »
This is all definied in the Cpp file.

It's a bit lengthly to explain here so if you want I could do it for you, just give me details of the ammo.

You don't have to credit me for my work because I'll do it for free (I'm bored!)

Email to odysseus_3@lineone.net
« Last Edit: 04 Jun 2003, 17:17:59 by qwertyuio »

Offline Tomb

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Re:How can I make a weapon fire more than 1 kind of ammo?
« Reply #2 on: 05 Jun 2003, 01:35:11 »
(*what a generous d00d he is*)  ::)

 ;D j/k, man!

Listen up, mayo :thumbsup: it's not THAT hard, all it takes it this (in the cfgWeapons-part of a cpp) :

                magazines[]={"ak47", "m16", M60", "m6000" ( ??? ;D ) etc };  8)

later!  :-*