All right, let's check this one off as solved.
What I did:
Snypir's got a trigger set to radio channel alpha with the following in the activation field:
"pleb fire [""throw"",""SmokeShellGreen"",""SmokeShellGreen""]; [pleb,uh601,waypoint_marker,[0,0],""SOUTH"",500,hpad] exec ""chopper_pickup.sqs""
I've removed the first string ("pleb fire [ etc.") and replaced it with "[] exec "pleb.sqs" and "pleb.sqs" is made of the following:
?alive pleb1: goto "pleb1"
?alive pleb2: goto "pleb2"
?alive pleb3: goto "pleb3"
pleb1 Fire ["Throw","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellRed"]
goto "end"
pleb2 Fire ["Throw","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellRed"]
goto "end"
pleb3 Fire ["Throw","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellRed"]
goto "end"
It's a small script file, and while "inelegant" it functions fine.
Thanks for the assistance, chaps.