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Author Topic: Bf-109 landing gear :/  (Read 1932 times)

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Bf-109 landing gear :/
« on: 17 May 2003, 00:52:05 »
I have found my self face to face on a serious problem on my addon project. All has gone well so far but now the landing gear are giving me trouble :/

I made a custom animated script for the landing gear and it works. However the gear won't rise correctly. This due to fact that OFP alows only one rotating axis. :S As  u may know the Bf-109 landing gear have a slight angle to forward as well.  
( http://www.kolumbus.fi/lauri.lindfors/OFP/Me-109G-6II.jpg )

This is the best I have managed to make so far.
( http://www.kolumbus.fi/lauri.lindfors/OFP/Me-109G-6III.jpg )
 I need ideas/help to make it work correctly.
As this is my firs addon I don't have much experience on scripting... :(


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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2003, 11:12:50 »

we have the same prob on the RAH-66 and unfortunately, there seems to be no other solution than sticking with one rotation axis. Maybe you can make the gear fold inward like on older WW2 and WW1 planes? Dunno if thats realistic though.


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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #2 on: 17 May 2003, 14:35:30 »
I have this compromise idea though I'm not sure if it works. ???

Make a two pair of landing gear. The first pair works normaly the way landing gear should. The socond pair are always positioned in the landing gear holes, but only turn visible when the first pair reach the up postion and go invisible. If landing gear are down the second pair stays invisible.  :-\

Offline Gogs

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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #3 on: 19 May 2003, 20:24:09 »
It can be dealt with. Speak to BraTTy from WWIIEC, I rather susspect he fixed this for the Corsairs hes made!


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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #4 on: 19 May 2003, 21:24:08 »
I already told you I would help you :) just ask :)


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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #5 on: 19 May 2003, 21:46:32 »
Help!!!  :-*

I haven't seen u at #ofpec  :'(

Gerald Duval

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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #6 on: 29 May 2003, 20:52:38 »
just a piece of historical advice, the Finns used the blue swastica on their planes...the germans anlways used the german cross on the wings and every onve and a while a diamond shaped swastika on the tail. as it is now, that plane german repainted for the finnish army.


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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #7 on: 29 May 2003, 21:19:43 »
Too often people confuse the finnish airforce swastica to the nazi party swastica :/
After the war fins changed the swastica to a new round one due the bad reputation. Actually fins used the swastica well before the nazis.  The swastica symbol is the only thing that connects them... :/

...for those who didn't know... :)

Gerald Duval

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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #8 on: 29 May 2003, 21:25:15 »
Too often people confuse the finnish airforce swastica to the nazi party swastica :/
After the war fins changed the swastica to a new round one due the bad reputation. Actually fins used the swastica well before the nazis.  The swastica symbol is the only thing that connects them... :/

...for those who didn't know...  

i know the fins used the swastika before the nazis, thats the point. around the time of the winter war all finnish airplanes were marked with blue swastikas. germany NEVER used swastikas on plane wings, instead they opted for the german cross. at most it was only used as a tail flash. You can look it up in the history books, no german plane ever bore a blue swastika on its wings, they didnt even uses german symbols in the white circle the way you have it. just a plain german cross...

I draw your attention to exibit A, a finish marked BF109G, colored exactly as you do:


and exibit B a german BF109G

notice the diffrence in coloring.

dont get me wrong, i'd love some FAF addons, but I just dont want you to go advertising this as a german plane...
« Last Edit: 29 May 2003, 21:34:48 by Gerald Duval »


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Re:Bf-109 landing gear :/
« Reply #9 on: 29 May 2003, 21:44:58 »
I have always tried to adverce it as a finnish plane. Sorry if I have mislead u...
« Last Edit: 29 May 2003, 21:45:30 by Sixth »