I don't have any problems re. spawning bas-birds?!
If their cpp contains the
requiredAddons[] = {tmb_something}; , then this might be the bug.
At least I've had trouble with this "requiredAddons..." (also other addons using these cpp requirements).
But then again, at other times it works just fine!
:hmm: Here's a valid shot - take it or leave it :
As the game engine reads through a mission file, it reads which addons it needs to pre-load to get the mission running.
Now, as SOME addons aren't >DIRECTLY needed in the preLoad, the game engine doesn't read these PBO files - it only reads thru those addons that is used on the map when the mission begins.
Right, and if some addon needs a pilot/driver/weapon or alike, I'm not sure the OFP engine reads these PBO's unless off course that particular driver/pilot is visible on the map right away when the mission is starting.
And then you have a possible bug - that is if your CPU back home is one of these tired old women in need of a "pensioners inn" soon!
Dunno, its just a guess - but I think it is related to such stuff. And it doesn't exactly get any easier when the addon use a huge amount of eventHandlers, internal scripts etc.
:-X Not much to do about it, me think m8 :-\