The first thing to do once you get your file into wrpedit is to press the default button on the landscape tab, this will set the map to the minimum and maximum height for your map.
Next you should choose Select All Cells from the Edit Menu, go to the Surfaces Tab and choose a texture, possibly Eden\ps.paa. Now press the Change button to apply the texture to all cells.
Finally, Select All Cells again, then press the default button on the Landscape Tab. This will set the flags to the default values for each landscape type.
If you now start the Preview window you should see your terrain.........If not........move the camera up, you may be positioned inside a hill or underground.
You appear to have set up the Import requester correctly btw.
Just a thought, but are you pressing the Set to Pixel button when saving as Lon/Lat Text Mesh (txt) file. Also put in your minimum and maximum heights in the provided gadgets.