activationBy ANY
Cond: (vehicle player in thislist) AND ((side player==East) or (player==WFlagrunner))
Activ: (vehicle player) setdammage 1;if (Player in thisList) then {titleText[format["%1\nYou entered a safezone after being warned\nAnd now you have died",name (thisList select 0)],"Plain down"]}; if(vehicle player==WFlagrunner)then {hint format["Flagrunner\n%1\nentered a restricted area\n East's Flag has been returned",name (WFlagrunner)] AND EFlag setflagowner objNull}
Using variable Wflagrunner
WFlagrunner = Flagowner EFlag
The trigger immeditely returns the flag to its pole if the West player (WFlagrunner) enters his own respawn protection zone or any east player does.
Works on the Mission editor preview, havent had chance to try it on a ded server yet
Looking at it, it may be more efficient if i use the trigger with just the condition and exec a script to do this