Hi guys, i need clarity...
A mission play's like this...
Start; Intro; Game; Outro win/lose. Correct ? (pretty clear i think)
Now, this is where i need clarity. to make a camera scripted intro end, does a unit have to activate a "end" trigger ? If not, im guessing you end it in the camera.sqs file. If thats correct, the tutes im using dont really clarify it, and ill msg the authers and notify them that a n00b like me may struggle with ending the intro.
2nd thing i need clarity on, is the briefing. As im still in the process of studying the tutes, i havent made it for my missions. By placing it in the appropriate folder, the game knows what it is, but when will it show up ?
eg Start; Intro; Briefing ; Game.....
Start; Briefing; Intro; Game....