K - guys here is the sulution - Real WWII flak with smokepuff -
I did a littel experimenting with Vectorboson drop commands . one simple line does the puffs :
drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 5, 5, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0, 1.2, 1, 0, [10,20],[[0,0,0,1],[0,0,0,0]],[0],0,0,"","",_mine]
So try it its really cool and very realistic -
Heres the script complete : ( RESISTANCE ONLY ! )
; Capt Ryans realistic WWII Adventures WWII Flakscript
; You need a gamelogic unit called gamelogic1 to make the script work at the position you want.
;number of explosions
_num = 160
;spreading area
_spread = 200
;random delay between explosions
_delay = 0.5
;counter to keep track of how many explosions so far
_count = 0
;beginning of loop
;setting everything to zero
_nx = 0
_ny = 0
_nz = 0
_x = 0
_y = 0
;generates plus or minus 1
_plusminus = (random 10)
?(_plusminus <= 5) : _plusminus = -1
?(_plusminus > 5) : _plusminus = 1
;determines how far off center the explosion will happen
_nx = (random _spread) * _plusminus
_plusminus = (random 10)
?(_plusminus <= 5) : _plusminus = -1
?(_plusminus > 5) : _plusminus = 1
_ny = (random _spread) * _plusminus
;determining floor and ceiling of explosions
_height = random (100)
?(_height < 100):_height = _height + 100
;new coordinates of explosion
;you can easily add air bursts .
_nx = _nx + _x
_ny = _ny + _y
_nz = _nz + _height
;add random delay up to delay specified by user (if you want constant rate, just take out the random
~(random _delay)
;creating explosion
_mine="shell120" CamCreate [(getpos gamelogic1 select 0)+_nx,(getpos gamelogic1 select 1)+_ny,_nz]
_mine="shell120" CamCreate [(getpos gamelogic1 select 0)+_nx,(getpos gamelogic1 select 1)+_ny,_nz]
drop ["cl_basic", "", "Billboard", 5, 5, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0, 1.2, 1, 0, [10,20],[[0,0,0,1],[0,0,0,0]],[0],0,0,"","",_mine]
;increment counter
_count = _count + 1
;check if done
?(_count == _num):exit
;if not done, do another explosion
goto "beg"
Capt Ryan