OMG! Great work McFly! Now a nicely formatted "action reference" needs to be made, where all the actions revealed in this thread are filled in with appropriate descriptions/parameters/other info, and then with blanks for the actions that still aren't figured out yet. HTML would work well, methinks. Anyone wanna put this together? It would be greatly appreciated.
And as a tip to anyone trying to figure out actions:
the "action" command takes an array of 5 parameters. If you pass it 6 params, it will give you an error saying "6 given, 5 expected". So in the case of:
dude action ["settimer",dude,0,0,"pipebomb"]
The first param is the action, the next is the person doing the action, and then there are two placeholders, and then the last parameter is what to do the action on. If 5 params aren't needed, then only one can be given. Ex:
dude action ["touchoff"]
So I'm assuming that other actions that would have parameters (such as USE MAGAZINE) would look like the first example.
But if it takes 5 parameters, then shouldn't there be an action that needs all 5? I suspect there may be one action like the "USER TYPE" one, which would use all 5, and the rest use either 1 or two and the two placeholders.