Heres what I've tried so far its inserted within a CTI script so I'll mark the
added lines with /////////////////////////////////////////
;Only execute this on the server.
? !(Local LocalServerObject):Exit
_unit = _this select 0
_side = Side _unit
_closestTarget = ObjNull
_Mine = "Mine"
_MineE = "MineE"
? (_side != west) && (_side != east):_side = _this Select 1
;Get group
_group = Group _unit
_group SetCombatMode "RED"
_group SetBehaviour "AWARE"
;If the unit is a player then don't run the AI routines.
? (player == Leader _group):Exit
? !(Local Leader _group):Exit
_scriptType = 0
_lastScriptType = -1
_newOrder = true
_timeElapsed = 0
_reportMission = true
_killed = false
? (_killed) && (Alive Leader _group):_killed = false;_newOrder = true
? !(_killed) && !(Alive Leader _group):_killed = true
? (_side == west)&&(_unit Distance _mine < 50):goto "AvoidMines"
? (_side == East)&&(_unit Distance _mineE < 5o):goto "AvoidMines"
_lastScriptType = _scriptType
_timeElapsed = _timeElapsed + .1
;Get team's current script.
? (_group == WestAlphaTeam):_scriptType = westAlphaTeamScript;_groupValue = groupAlpha
? (_group == WestBravoTeam):_scriptType = westBravoTeamScript;_groupValue = groupBravo
? (_group == WestCharlieTeam):_scriptType = westCharlieTeamScript;_groupValue = groupCharlie
? (_group == WestDeltaTeam):_scriptType = westDeltaTeamScript;_groupValue = groupDelta
? (_group == WestEchoTeam):_scriptType = westEchoTeamScript;_groupValue = groupEcho
? (_group == WestFoxtrotTeam):_scriptType = westFoxtrotTeamScript;_groupValue = groupFoxtrot
? (_group == WestGolfTeam):_scriptType = westGolfTeamScript;_groupValue = groupGolf
? (_group == WestHotelTeam):_scriptType = westHotelTeamScript;_groupValue = groupHotel
? (_group == EastAlphaTeam):_scriptType = eastAlphaTeamScript;_groupValue = groupAlpha
? (_group == EastBravoTeam):_scriptType = eastBravoTeamScript;_groupValue = groupBravo
? (_group == EastCharlieTeam):_scriptType = eastCharlieTeamScript;_groupValue = groupCharlie
? (_group == EastDeltaTeam):_scriptType = eastDeltaTeamScript;_groupValue = groupDelta
? (_group == EastEchoTeam):_scriptType = eastEchoTeamScript;_groupValue = groupEcho
? (_group == EastFoxtrotTeam):_scriptType = eastFoxtrotTeamScript;_groupValue = groupFoxtrot
? (_group == EastGolfTeam):_scriptType = eastGolfTeamScript;_groupValue = groupGolf
? (_group == EastHotelTeam):_scriptType = eastHotelTeamScript;_groupValue = groupHotel
;If a new order to move to a waypoint has been issued, flag it for next actual waypoint order.
;Note that a waypoint is triggered first by newWaypointOrderScript & then moveToWaypointScript.
;This prevents the unit from continually following the commander's waypoint without further orders to do so.
? (_scriptType == newOrderScript):_newOrder = true
;Execute script every time udateAIDelay of time passes.
? (_timeElapsed >= updateAIDelay):goto "Start"
; ? (_scriptType == newWaypointOrderScript) || (_lastScriptType == _scriptType):goto "Update"
? (_scriptType == newOrderScript) || (_lastScriptType == _scriptType):goto "Update"
;If the script type has changed then reset mission reporting.
_reportMission = true
_defendingTarget = false
_closestTarget = ObjNull
_saboteurTargetFound = false
_unitminefound = false
_timeElapsed = 0
? !(Alive Leader _group):goto "Update"
;Execute current AI setting of group.
; ? (_scriptType == assaultScript):goto "TakeTowns"
? (_scriptType == assaultScript) || (_scriptType == takeTownsAndBasesScript):goto "TakeTownsAndBases"
? (_scriptType == defenseScript):goto "DefendTowns"
;Line below kept for compatibility with the 1.46 version of this mod.
? (_scriptType == defendBaseScript):goto "DefendTowns"
? (_scriptType == searchAndDestroyScript):goto "SearchAndDestroy"
? (_scriptType == moveToWaypointScript && _newOrder):goto "MoveToWaypoint"
? (_scriptType == commandVehiclesScript && _newOrder):goto "CommandVehicles"
? (_scriptType == disembarkVehiclesScript && _newOrder):goto "DisembarkVehicles"
? (_scriptType == embarkTransportScript && _newOrder):goto "EmbarkInTransports"
? (_scriptType == disembarkTransportScript && _newOrder):goto "DisembarkTransports"
goto "Update"
;AI routines for defending towns.
? !(Alive Leader _group):goto "Update"
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderDefend;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderDefend;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
;If a town was previously chosen and in range then do a patrol.
? (!IsNull _closestTarget):goto "MoveToClosestTarget"
_closestDistance = 10000
_tempTargets = []
_tempTargetDistances = []
_closestTarget = ObjNull
_count = 0
_maxTargets = Count towns
? (_maxTargets < 1):goto "Update"
;Add any friendly towns to the defend target list.
;If a town is taken then add it to the list.
? (_side == west):_tempSide = "west"
? (_side == east):_tempSide = "east"
? (townSides Select _count == _tempSide):_tempTargets = _tempTargets + [towns Select _count];_tempTargetDistances = _tempTargetDistances + [Leader _group Distance (towns Select _count)]
_count = _count + 1
? (_count < _maxTargets):goto "CheckTowns"
_count = 0
_maxTargets = Count _tempTargets
;If no friendly towns have been found then check for any targets.
? (_maxTargets < 1):goto "FindClosestBase"
;Check for a closer target.
? (_tempTargetDistances Select _count < _closestDistance):_closestDistance = _tempTargetDistances Select _count;_closestTarget = _tempTargets Select _count
_count =_count + 1
? (_count < _maxTargets):goto "CheckClosestTowns"
? (_side == west):_totalBases = Count westControlCenter
? (_side == east):_totalBases = Count eastControlCenter
;If no bases exist then skip closest base check.
? (_totalBases < 1):goto "MoveToClosestTarget"
_count = 0
;Find base closest to group leader.
? (_side == west):_base = westControlCenter Select _count
? (_side == east):_base = eastControlCenter Select _count
_count =_count + 1
_distance = Leader _group Distance _base
? (_distance < _closestDistance):_closestDistance = _distance;_closestTarget = _base
? (_count < _totalBases):goto "FindClosestBase"
? (IsNull _closestTarget) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderDefendDenied;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom"
? (IsNull _closestTarget) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderDefendDenied;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom"
? (_defendingTarget)||(Leader _group Distance _closestTarget < targetDefendRange):goto "DefendTarget"
;Leader _group DoMove GetPos _closestTarget
[_group,GetPos _closestTarget] Exec "Main\ActionMoveGroup.sqs"
goto "Update"
? (debug):player SideChat("Defending base/town.")
_defendingTarget = true
_unmannedGuns = []
? (_side == west):_gunList = westHEFortification
? (_side == east):_gunList = eastHEFortification
_return = "FindUnmannedHEStations";goto "FindUnmannedGuns"
? (_side == west):_gunList = westHEStation
? (_side == east):_gunList = eastHEStation
_return = "FindUnmannedHEGuns";goto "FindUnmannedGuns"
? (_side == west):_gunList = westHEGun
? (_side == east):_gunList = eastHEGun
_return = "FindUnmannedM2Stations";goto "FindUnmannedGuns"
? (_side == west):_gunList = westM2Fortification
? (_side == east):_gunList = eastM2Fortification
_return = "FindUnmannedHEStations";goto "FindUnmannedGuns"
? (_side == west):_gunList = westM2Station
? (_side == east):_gunList = eastM2Station
_return = "FindUnmannedM2Guns";goto "FindUnmannedGuns"
? (_side == west):_gunList = westM2Gun
? (_side == east):_gunList = eastM2Gun
_return = "AssignToGuns";goto "FindUnmannedGuns"
? (Count _unmannedGuns < 1):_units = Units _group;goto "StartDefendTargetPatrol"
? (debug):player SideChat("Assigning defense to any guns.")
_units = Units _group
? (Count _unmannedGuns < 1) && (Count _units > 0):goto "StartDefendTargetPatrol"
? (Count _units < 1):goto "Update"
_gunner = _units Select 0
_gun = _unmannedGuns Select 0
_units = _units - [_gunner]
;If potential gunner is not in a vehicle then assign to current gun.
? (Vehicle _gunner == _gunner):_gunner AssignAsGunner _gun;[_gunner] OrderGetIn true;_unmannedGuns = _unmannedGuns - [_gun]
? (debug)&&(Vehicle _gunner == _gunner):player SideChat("Assign team member to gun.")
goto "AssignToGun"
? !(Alive Leader _group):goto "Update"
_count = 0
_totalUnits = Count _units
_freeUnit = _units Select _count
_count = _count + 1
? (CanMove Vehicle _freeUnit):goto "DefendTargetPatrol"
? (_count < _totalUnits):goto "GetFreeDefendTargetPatrolUnits"
;Patrol the target if not manning a stationary gun.
? (debug):player SideChat("Patrolling base/town.")
;Change direction.
_direction = Random 360
_position = GetPos _freeUnit
_distance = 50 + Random 100
_destination = [(_position Select 0)+((Sin _direction)*_distance),(_position Select 1)+((Cos _direction)*_distance),_position Select 2]
? (_freeUnit Distance _closestTarget < targetDefendRange):_freeUnit DoMove _destination
? (_freeUnit Distance _closestTarget >= targetDefendRange):_freeUnit DoMove GetPos _closestTarget
? (_count < _totalUnits):goto "GetFreeDefendTargetPatrolUnits"
goto "Update"
_count = 0
_totalGuns = Count _gunList
? (_totalGuns < 1):goto _return
_gun = _gunList Select _count
_distance = Leader _group Distance _gun
_count =_count + 1
? ((IsNull Gunner _gun)||(!Alive Gunner _gun))&&(_distance < targetDefendRange):_unmannedGuns = _unmannedGuns + [_gun]
? (_count < _totalGuns):goto "CheckForUnmannedGun"
goto _return
? !(Alive Leader _group):goto "Update"
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderTakeTowns;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderTakeTowns;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
_tempTargets = []
_tempTargetDistances = []
_count = 0
_maxTargets = Count towns
;If no town targets then check for base targets.
? (_maxTargets < 1):goto "CheckBaseTargets"
;If a town is untaken then add it to the list.
? (_side == west):_tempSide = "west"
? (_side == east):_tempSide = "east"
? (townSides Select _count != _tempSide):_tempTargets = _tempTargets + [towns Select _count];_tempTargetDistances = _tempTargetDistances + [Leader _group Distance (towns Select _count)]
_count = _count + 1
? (_count < _maxTargets):goto "CheckTownTarget"
;If this is not an AI controlled side or a public server then don't target the base.
? (_scriptType != takeTownsAndBasesScript) || (publicServer):goto "FindClosestTownsBases"
? (_side == west):_structureList = eastControlCenter + eastInfantryFactory + eastLightFactory + eastHeavyFactory + eastAirFactory + [EastMobileHQ]
? (_side == east):_structureList = westControlCenter + westInfantryFactory + westLightFactory + westHeavyFactory + westAirFactory + [WestMobileHQ]
_count = 0
_maxStructureTargets = Count _structureList
;If no base or towns were found then return.
? (_maxTargets < 1) && (_maxStructureTargets < 1):goto "Update"
? (_maxStructureTargets < 1):goto "FindClosestTownsBases"
_structure = _structureList Select _count
_count = _count + 1
? (GetDammage _structure < 1):_tempTargets = _tempTargets + [_structure];_tempTargetDistances = _tempTargetDistances + [Leader _group Distance _structure]
? (_count < _maxStructureTargets):goto "CheckBaseTarget"
_count = 0
_closestDistance = 10000
_closestTarget = ObjNull
_maxTargets = Count _tempTargets
? (_maxTargets < 1):goto "Update"
;Check for a closer target.
_attackUnits = Units _group
_attackUnits = _attackUnits - [Leader _group]
_tempTarget = _tempTargets Select _count
;Attack the MHQ even if it is empty.
? (_tempTarget == EastMobileHQ) && (_tempTargetDistances Select _count < 75):Leader _group DoTarget _tempTarget;Leader _group DoFire _tempTarget;[_attackUnits] CommandTarget _tempTarget;[_attackUnits] CommandFire _tempTarget
? (_tempTarget == WestMobileHQ) && (_tempTargetDistances Select _count < 75):Leader _group DoTarget _tempTarget;Leader _group DoFire _tempTarget;[_attackUnits] CommandTarget _tempTarget;[_attackUnits] CommandFire _tempTarget
;If within range of the enemy base move to the next target.
? (_scriptType == takeTownsAndBasesScripts) && ((_tempTargets Select _count) In _structureList) && (_tempTargetDistances Select _count < _closestDistance)&&(_tempTargetDistances Select _count < 75):goto "FindNextClosestTownBase"
? (_tempTargetDistances Select _count < _closestDistance)&&(_tempTargetDistances Select _count > 10):_closestDistance = _tempTargetDistances Select _count;_closestTarget = _tempTargets Select _count
_count = _count + 1
? (_count < _maxTargets):goto "FindClosestTownBase"
? (IsNull _closestTarget):goto "Update"
[_group,GetPos _closestTarget] Exec "Main\ActionMoveGroup.sqs"
goto "Update"
? (_side == west):_waypointMarker = "WestCommanderWP";_destination = westCommanderWPDestination
? (_side == east):_waypointMarker = "EastCommanderWP";_destination = eastCommanderWPDestination
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderMoveToWaypoint;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderMoveToWaypoint;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
[_group,GetPos _destination] Exec "Main\ActionMoveGroup.sqs"
;Do not execute this routine again until a new order to move occurs.
_newOrder = false
goto "Update"
? !(Alive Leader _group):goto "Update"
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderSearchAndDestroy;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderSearchAndDestroy;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
_direction = Random 360
_position = GetPos Leader _group
_distance = 100 + Random 400
_destination = [(_position Select 0)+((Sin _direction)*_distance),(_position Select 1)+((Cos _direction)*_distance),_position Select 2]
? (_saboteurTargetFound):goto "SaboteurCheckDistance"
[_group,_destination] Exec "Main\ActionMoveGroup.sqs"
;Check to see if a unit in team qualifies to be a saboteur (has satchel charges).
? (_saboteurTargetFound):goto "SaboteurCheckDistance"
? (debug):player Sidechat("Saboteur check.")
_count = 0
_units = Units _group
_totalUnits = Count _units
_saboteur = _units Select _count
_count = _count + 1
? (_saboteur Ammo "Timebomb" > 0):_return = "FindNextSaboteur";goto "SaboteurTarget"
? (_count < _totalUnits):goto "FindSaboteur"
goto "Update"
;Check to see if current saboteur knows the location of the enemy mobile HQ.
?(debug):player Sidechat("Found team member that qualifies to be a saboteur.")
_mobileHQ = WestMobileHQ
? (_side == west):_mobileHQ = EastMobileHQ
;If the enemy Mobile HQ has been found and the BlackOps have timebombs then use them!
? (_side == west)&&(GetDammage _mobileHQ != 1)&&(_saboteur KnowsAbout _mobileHQ >= 1)&&!(_saboteurTargetFound):goto "SabotageMHQ"
;[_unit,_mobileHQ,"The Enemy Mobile HQ"] Exec "Main\BlackOpsSabotage.sqs"
;Fix this. It doesn't detect ammo for east.
? (_side == east)&&(GetDammage _mobileHQ != 1)&&(_saboteur KnowsAbout _mobileHQ >= 1)&&!(_saboteurTargetFound):goto "SabotageMHQ"
;[_unit,_mobileHQ,"The Enemy Mobile HQ"] Exec "Main\BlackOpsSabotage.sqs"
;If MHQ wasn't found return.
goto _return
;Make the saboteur report discovery of the enemy's mobile HQ and then go to it.
? (_saboteurTargetFound):goto "SaboteurCheckDistance"
_saboteurTargetFound = true
_saboteur SideChat ("The enemy Mobile HQ has been spotted. Attempting to sabotage.")
; _saboteur DoFollow _saboteur
; _saboteur DoMove GetPos _mobileHQ
Leader _saboteur DoMove GetPos _mobileHQ
? (_saboteur Distance _mobileHQ < 10):goto "SaboteurDropBomb"
goto "Update"
;Make the saboteur drop a satchel by the enemy's mobile HQ.
?(debug):player Sidechat("Saboteur dropping bomb.")
_saboteur Fire ["throw","Timebomb","Timebomb"]
;Pick a random direction and run like hell from the bomb.
_direction = Random 359
_position = GetPos _saboteur
Leader _saboteur DoMove [(_position Select 0)+((sin _direction)*50),(_position Select 1)+((cos _direction)*50),_position Select 2]
;After a few seconds have passed unit(s) should have dropped the bomb.
;If still alive report that the mission was a success.
_reply = Random 100
? (Alive _saboteur)&&(_reply < 50):_saboteur SideChat ("The eggs have been laid. Returning to the fields...")
? (Alive _saboteur)&&(_reply >= 50):_saboteur SideChat ("The package has been delivered. Returning to the post office...")
; _saboteur DoFollow Leader _saboteur
; _saboteur DoMove GetPos Leader _saboteur
_saboteurTargetFound = false
goto "Update"
;Unfinished. This will make a unit attempt to kill a spotted enemy commander.
_commander = WestCommander
? (_side == west):_commander = EastCommander
;If the enemy commander has been spotted then do an assassination mission!
? (Alive _commander)&&(_unit KnowsAbout _commander >= 2):goto "AssasinateCommander"
;Disembark from cargo only.
_count = 0
_vehicles = []
_units = Units _group
_totalUnits = Count _units
? (_totalUnits < 1):goto "Update"
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderDisembarkTransports;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderDisembarkTransports;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
;Do not execute this routine again until a new order to move occurs.
_newOrder = false
;Get each vehicle in the group & order everyone out.
;If the driver is not on the team then it is a transport so eject.
_unitToDisembark = _units Select _count
_vehicle = Vehicle _unitToDisembark
_count = _count + 1
;If _vehicle is actually a vehicle & it has not already been disembarked then order the group out.
? (_unitToDisembark != _vehicle)&&!((Driver _vehicle) In _units):_unitToDisembark Action ["EJECT",_vehicle]
? (_unitToDisembark != _vehicle)&&(Driver _vehicle != _unitToDisembark)&&(Gunner _vehicle != _unitToDisembark)&&(Commander _vehicle != _unitToDisembark):_vehicles = _vehicles + [_vehicle];UnassignVehicle _unitToDisembark
? (_count < _totalUnits):goto "DisembarkTransport"
goto "Update"
_count = 0
_vehicles = []
_units = Units _group
_totalUnits = Count _units
? (_totalUnits < 1):goto "Update"
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderDisembarkVehicles;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderDisembarkVehicles;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
;Do not execute this routine again until a new order to move occurs.
_newOrder = false
;Get each vehicle in the group & order everyone out.
_unitToDisembark = _units Select _count
_vehicle = Vehicle _unitToDisembark
_count = _count + 1
;If _vehicle is actually a vehicle & it has not already been disembarked then order the group out.
? (_unitToDisembark != _vehicle):UnassignVehicle _unitToDisembark
? (_count < _totalUnits):goto "DisembarkVehicle"
goto "Update"
? (_side == west):_vehicles = westTransports
? (_side == east):_vehicles = eastTransports
_totalVehicles = Count _vehicles
_units = Units _group
_totalUnits = Count _units
_embarkCount = 0
? (debug):player SideChat("Embark in transport.")
;Do not execute this routine again until a new order to move occurs.
_newOrder = false
? (_totalVehicles < 1) || (_totalUnits < 1):goto "Update"
? !(_reportMission):goto "Update"
_findCount = 0
_transport = _vehicles Select _findCount
_findCount = _findCount + 1
? (GetDammage _transport != 1)&&(Leader _group Distance _transport < 100):goto "EmbarkInTransport"
? (_findCount < _totalVehicles):goto "FindTransport"
goto "Update"
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderEmbarkTransports;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderEmbarkTransports;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
_count = 0
_transportPositionReturn = "EmbarkUnitInTransport";goto "GetAvailableTransportPositions"
_unitToEmbark = _units Select _embarkCount
_embarkCount = _embarkCount + 1
_count = _count + 1
;If unit is a stationary vehicle (gun) leave it now.
? (IsNull (Driver Vehicle _unitToEmbark))||(!CanMove Vehicle _unitToEmbark):_unitToEmbark LeaveVehicle (Vehicle _unitToEmbark)
;If current unit is not already in a vehicle.
? (Vehicle _unitToEmbark == _unitToEmbark):_unitToEmbark AssignAsCargo _transport;[_unitToEmbark] OrderGetIn true
? (_embarkCount < _totalUnits) && (_count < _availableTransportPositions):goto "EmbarkUnitInTransport"
? (_embarkCount < _totalUnits):goto "FindTransport"
goto "Update"
;Get free positions on transport.
_totalTransportPositions = 0;_transportReturn = "CountTransportPositions";goto "GetTotalTransportPositions"
_transportCrew = Crew _transport
_transportCrew = _transportCrew - [Driver _transport];_transportCrew = _transportCrew - [Commander _transport];_transportCrew = _transportCrew - [Gunner _transport]
_transportCrewBoarded = Count _transportCrew
_availableTransportPositions = _totalTransportPositions - _transportCrewBoarded
? (debug):_text = Format["Transport found (%1). %2 available positions of %3.",_transport,_availableTransportPositions,_totalTransportPositions];player SideChat(_text)
goto _transportPositionReturn
;Get max positions available for a given transport
_transportPositionsCount = 0
_transportNames = westTransportNames + eastTransportNames
_transportPositions = westTransportPositions + eastTransportPositions
_totalTransports = Count _transportNames
;CountType doesn't seem to return Vulcans or sometimes BMPs.
;BMPs are returned when BMP2s are counted.
_transportName = _transportNames Select _transportPositionsCount
_transportsFound = (_transportName CountType [_transport])
_BMP2Found = 0
_M2A2Found = 0
;Some vehicles such as BMP2s will return from a CountType as a BMP. Do a special check for these.
? (_transportName == "BMP"):_BMP2Found = ("BMP2" CountType [_transport])
? (_transportName == "M113"):_M2A2Found = ("bradley" CountType [_transport])
? (_BMP2Found > 0):_totalTransportPositions = _transportPositions Select (_transportPositionsCount + 1);goto _transportReturn
? (_M2A2Found > 0):_totalTransportPositions = _transportPositions Select (_transportPositionsCount + 2);goto _transportReturn
? (_transportsFound > 0):_totalTransportPositions = _transportPositions Select _transportPositionsCount;goto _transportReturn
_transportPositionsCount = _transportPositionsCount + 1
? (_transportPositionsCount < _totalTransports):goto "FindMatchingTransport"
goto _transportReturn
;Create list of units and remove ones already in mobile vehicles.
_countedUnits = Units _group
_units = Units _group
_totalUnits = Count _countedUnits
_unitCount = 0
_unit = _countedUnits Select _unitCount
_unitCount = _unitCount + 1
;If in a mobile vehicle don't include in list.
? (Vehicle _unit != _unit)&&!(IsNull (Driver Vehicle _unit))&&(CanMove Vehicle _unit):_units = _units - [_unit]
;If in an immobile vehicle then leave it now.
? (Vehicle _unit != _unit)&&((IsNull (Driver Vehicle _unit))||!(CanMove Vehicle _unit)):_unit LeaveVehicle (Vehicle _unit)
? (_unitCount < _totalUnits):goto "CountAvailableUnit"
? (debug):_text = Format["%1 available units to command vehicles.",Count _units];player SideChat(_text)
_totalAvailableUnits = Count _units
goto _availableUnitsReturn
? (_reportMission) && (_side == west):westMessage = messageOrderCommandVehicles;PublicVariable "westMessage";westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
? (_reportMission) && (_side == east):eastMessage = messageOrderCommandVehicles;PublicVariable "eastMessage";eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = _groupValue;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom";_reportMission = false
;Do not execute this routine again until a new order to move occurs.
_newOrder = false
_vehicles = westAirVehicles + eastAirVehicles + westHeavyVehicles + eastHeavyVehicles + westLightVehicles + eastLightVehicles
_totalVehicles = Count _vehicles
_availableUnitsReturn = "CommandVehiclesStart";goto "GetAvailableUnits"
_totalUnits = Count _units
? (_totalAvailableUnits < 1):goto "Update"
_unitCount = 0
_findCommandableReturn = "CommandVehicle";goto "FindCommandableVehicles"
? (IsNull _vehicle):goto "Update"
_boardReturn = "CheckCommandVehicle";goto "BoardCommandableVehicle"
? (Count _units > 0):_findCommandableReturn = "CommandVehicle";goto "FindCommandableVehicle"
goto "Update"
? (debug):player SideChat("Commandeer vehicle.")
? (_totalVehicles < 1) || (_totalUnits < 1):goto "Update"
_vehicleCount = 0
? (_vehicleCount >= _totalVehicles):_vehicle = ObjNull;goto _findCommandableReturn
_vehicle = _vehicles Select _vehicleCount
_vehicleCount = _vehicleCount + 1
? (GetDammage _vehicle != 1) && ((_units Select 0) Distance _vehicle < embarkVehicleRange):goto _findCommandableReturn
? (_vehicleCount < _totalVehicles):goto "FindCommandableVehicle"
? (GetDammage _vehicle == 1) || ((_units Select 0) Distance _vehicle > embarkVehicleRange):_vehicle = ObjNull
goto _findCommandableReturn
_nextUnitCount = 0
_totalUnits = Count _units
_unit = _units Select _nextUnitCount
_nextUnitCount = _nextUnitCount + 1
? (_unit Distance _vehicle < embarkVehicleRange):goto _findNextReturn
? (_nextUnitCount < _totalUnits):goto "FindNextAvailableUnitInRange"
? (_unit Distance _vehicle > embarkVehicleRange):_unit = ObjNull
goto _findNextReturn
_unit = _units Select 0
_driver = Driver _vehicle
_gunner = Gunner _vehicle
_commander = Commander _vehicle
;If vehicle is full then return.
? ((_vehicle In westHeavyVehicles)||(_vehicle In eastHeavyVehicles))&&(!IsNull _driver) && (!IsNull _gunner) && (!IsNull _commander):goto _boardReturn
? ((_vehicle In westLightVehicles)||(_vehicle In eastLightVehicles))&&(!IsNull _driver) && (!IsNull _gunner):goto _boardReturn
? ((_vehicle In westAirVehicles)||(_vehicle In eastAirVehicles))&&(!IsNull _driver) && (!IsNull _gunner):goto _boardReturn
? ((_vehicle In westUnarmedVehicles)||(_vehicle In eastUnarmedVehicles))&&(!IsNull _driver):goto _boardReturn
? ((_vehicle In westOneManAirVehicles)||(_vehicle In eastOneManAirVehicles))&&(!IsNull _driver):goto _boardReturn
;If a member of the vehicle is from a different team then return.
? (!IsNull _driver) && !(_driver In _units):goto _boardReturn
? (!IsNull _gunner) && !(_gunner In _units):goto _boardReturn
? (!IsNull _commander) && !(_commander In _units):goto _boardReturn
? (IsNull _driver):_units = _units - [_unit];_unit AssignAsDriver _vehicle;[_unit] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto _boardReturn
? (_vehicle In westUnarmedVehicles) || (_vehicle In eastUnarmed) || (_vehicle In westOneManAir) || (_vehicle In eastOneManAir):goto _boardReturn
? (debug):_text = format["Vehicle: %1, Unit: %2",_vehicle,_unit];player sidechat(_text)
_findNextReturn = "BoardCommandableVehicleGunner";goto "FindNextAvailableUnit"
? (IsNull _unit):goto _boardReturn
? (IsNull _gunner):_units = _units - [_unit];_unit AssignAsGunner _vehicle;[_unit] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto _boardReturn
_findNextReturn = "BoardCommandableVehicleCommander";goto "FindNextAvailableUnit"
? (IsNull _unit):goto _boardReturn
? (IsNull _commander):_units = _units - [_unit];_unit AssignAsCommander _vehicle;[_unit] OrderGetIn true
goto _boardReturn
? (IsNull _driver)&&(_unit Distance _vehicle < embarkVehicleRange):_unit = _units Select 0;_units = _units - [_unit];_unit AssignAsDriver;[_unit] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto _boardReturn
? (_vehicle In westUnarmedVehicles) || (_vehicle In eastUnarmed) || (_vehicle In westOneManAir) || (_vehicle In eastOneManAir):goto _boardReturn
? (IsNull _gunner)&&(_unit Distance _vehicle < embarkVehicleRange):_unit = _units Select 0;_units = _units - [_unit];_unit AssignAsGunner;[_unit] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto _boardReturn
? (_vehicle In westLight) || (_vehicle In eastLight) || (_vehicle In westAir) || (_vehicle In eastAir):goto _boardReturn
? (IsNull _commander)&&(_unit Distance _vehicle < embarkVehicleRange):_unit = _units Select 0;_units = _units - [_unit];_unit AssignAsGunner;[_unit] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto _boardReturn
goto _boardReturn
_vehicles = westAir + eastAir + westHeavy + eastHeavy + westLight + eastLight
_totalVehicles = Count _vehicles
_units = Units _group
_totalUnits = Count _units
? (debug):player SideChat("Commandeer vehicle.")
? (_totalVehicles < 1) || (_totalUnits < 1):goto "Update"
_count = 0
_currentVehicle = _vehicles Select _count
_count = _count + 1
? (GetDammage _currentVehicle != 1)&&(Leader _group Distance _currentVehicle < 100):goto "CommandVehicle"
? (_count < _totalVehicles):goto "FindVehicle"
goto "Update"
_count = 0
_groupSize = 2
_currentVehicle = _vehicles Select _count
_count = _count + 1
? (GetDammage _currentVehicle != 1)&&(Leader _group Distance _currentVehicle < 100):goto "CommandVehicle"
? (_count < _totalVehicles):goto "FindVehicle"
goto "Update"
? ((!IsNull Driver _currentVehicle)||(Alive Driver _currentVehicle))&&!(Driver _currentVehicle In _units):goto "FindNextFreeVehicle"
? (_currentVehicle In westHeavy) || (_currentVehicle In eastHeavy):_groupSize = 3
? (_currentVehicle In westUnarmed) || (_currentVehicle In eastUnarmed):_groupSize = 1
_driver = _units Select 0;_units = _units - [_driver]
;If unit is a stationary vehicle (gun) leave it now.
? (IsNull (Driver Vehicle _driver))||(!CanMove Vehicle _driver):_driver LeaveVehicle (Vehicle _driver);_driver AssignAsDriver _currentVehicle;[_driver] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto "Update"
_gunner = _units Select 0;_units = _units - [_gunner]
;If unit is a stationary vehicle (gun) leave it now.
? (IsNull (Driver Vehicle _gunner))||(!CanMove Vehicle _gunner):_gunner LeaveVehicle (Vehicle _gunner);_gunner AssignAsDriver _gunner;[_gunner] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto "Update"
_commander = _units Select 0;_units = _units - [_commander]
;If unit is a stationary vehicle (gun) leave it now.
? (IsNull (Driver Vehicle _commander))||(!CanMove Vehicle _commander):_commander LeaveVehicle (Vehicle _commander);_commander AssignAsDriver _commander;[_commander] OrderGetIn true
? (Count _units < 1):goto "Update"
_count = _count + 1
? (_count < _totalVehicles):goto "FindFreeVehicle"
_structureCount = 0
_structureList = westControlCenter
_totalStructures = Count _structureList
_units = Units _group
_structure = _structureList Select _structureCount
_structureCount = _structureCount + 1
? (GetDammage _structure != 1):goto "AttackEnemyStructure"
? (_structureCount < totalStructures):goto "CheckEnemyStructure"
goto "Update"
(Gunner Vehicle _unit) CommandTarget _structure
(Gunner Vehicle _unit) CommandFire _structure
goto "Update"
;Check to see if current unit finds any friendly mines.
?(debug):player Sidechat("Found friendly mines.")
_mine = "Mine"
? (_side == East):_mineE = "MineE"
;If the mines have been found avoid them!
? (_side == west)&&(_unit Distance _mine < 50):goto "CircleMine"
;[_unit,_mine,"Mines spotted"] Exec "Main\AvoidMine.sqs"
? (_side == east)&&(Distance _mineE < 50):goto "CircleMine"
;[_unit,_mine,"Enemy Mines Spotted"] Exec "Main\AvoidMine.sqs"
;If mine wasn't found return.
goto _return
;Make the unit circle mines.
?(debug):player Sidechat("Circling Mines.")
;Pick a random direction and run like hell from the mines.
_direction = Random 90
_position = GetPos _unit
Leader _unit DoMove [(_position Select 0)+((sin _direction)*50),(_position Select 1)+((cos _direction)*50),_position Select 2]
;If still alive report.
_reply = Random 100
? (Alive _unit)&&(_reply < 50):_unit SideChat ("Mines Averted...damn that was close")
? (Alive _unit)&&(_reply >= 50):_unit SideChat ("Mines Averted...damn that was close")