I have a problem with my script. The units won't move to the camcreated item. Can someone just read over my script and see if there is some bug?
Its a little messy because I orginally had a bunch of random commands to shift the location of the object. I had to take it out....
_unit = _this select 0
_home = _this select 1
_away = _this select 2
;how far apart
_hX = getpos _home select 0
_hY = getpos _home select 1
_hZ = getpos _home select 2
_aX = getpos _away select 0
_aY = getpos _away select 1
_aZ = getpos _away select 2
?(group _unit == grpNULL): exit
_randx = random 75
_nurfx = random 400
?(_nurfx >= 0 AND _nurfx < 201): _ranx = (_randx * -1)
_randy = random 75
_nurfy = random 400
?(_nurfy >= 0 AND _nurfy < 201): _rany = (_randy * -1)
_gl ="Radio" CamCreate [((_aX) + _ranx),((_aY) + _rany), (_aZ) + 1]
_unit move getpos _gl
?((_unit distance _gl) < 5): deletevehicle _gl; goto "home"
?((_unit knowsabout player) > 0): goto "attack"
goto "move"
?(group _unit == grpNULL): exit
_randx = random 75
_nurfx = random 400
?(_nurfx >= 0 AND _nurfx < 201): _ranx = (_randx * -1)
_randy = random 75
_nurfy = random 400
?(_nurfy >= 0 AND _nurfy < 201): _rany = (_randy * -1)
_gl = "Radio" CamCreate [((_hX) + _ranx),((_hY) + _rany), (_hZ) + 1]
_unit move getpos _gl
?((_unit distance _gl) < 5): deletevehicle _gl; goto "home"
?((_unit knowsabout player) > 0): goto "attack"
goto "move2"
?(group _unit == grpNULL_: exit
?((_unit knowsabout player) < 1): _unit setcombatmode "WHITE"; _unit setbehaviour "Aware"; goto "Start"
_unit setcombatmode "RED"
_unit setbehaviour "Combat"
_unit move getpos player
goto "attack"