Thank you all for your replies. I should have prefaced my questions by stating that I'm a newbie to Opflash editing. I tried all of your suggestions The scenario is this : you walk into a room where Guba is seated, he stands up to surrender and then you have to shoot him to complete the objective
So I set it up as such:
A waypoint for Guba with this switchmove "FXStandUnivTable" in the on activation field
Then another WP with: this switchmove"FXStandSurDown" in the on activation field
I linked a trigger with this switchmove"FXStandSurDown" in the on activation field to be triggered by the west to that way point.
Then I put in another trigger with (GetDammage guba)>0 in the condition field and guba SwitchMove "" in the on activation field
Re OPF freak advice,
I couldn't get it to work properly
To Messiah: by adding end to this switchmove"FXStandSurDownend" it just jumped to the end of the animation and I wasn't able to kill Guba
To icarus, your advice seemed to work the best.
I would like to offer this suggestion to you and other forum members. Your help and advice is greatly appreciated, but there are many others like myself are not programmers and I find that in many of the replies it is assumed that the poster has either programming skills or a rudimentary understanding of the editor syntax. I actually had to cobble together several posts from different forums to get something to work, only to find out that the reply poster forgot to mention a ; or a ( ).If you see a future post from me ,please feel free to reply in idiot speak!!!!
"Today is a good day to die"