He wants a specific group to respawn at a specific place, not randomly. For that some scripting intervention is needed.
I'll use, for example purposes, infGroup and paraGroup. I assume you have named your groups; if not, put this in the init field of each man in the para group:
paraGroup = group this
And the infantry group:
infGroup = group this
This way the group names are assigned even if some soldiers are excluded (i.e. AI is disabled).
The next step: put the respawn marker at the infantry respawn. You won't need a marker at the paratrooper respawn.
Now make a game logic named paraSpawn and place it where the paratroops should respawn.
At this points we add the extra scripts.
init.sqs snippet
;; add this line to your init.sqs
;; (or make an init.sqs if you don't have one)
?(player in (units paraGroup)): [] exec "pararesp.sqs"
;; this will check for player respawn and move soldier to paraRespawn
@!alive player
@alive player
player setPos (getPos paraRespawn)
goto "start"
There you go.. let me know if it works.