Hi all,
Well, it has come to my attention there is only one Tutorial out there for this incredibly powerful and awesome tool in OFP. I'm talking about Dialogs.
The ability to have a menu pop-up, and the player adjust, select, and modify certain values/settings while in the game, is nothing short of a real piece of candy from the perspective of the mission creator and player.
But, as I was saying, there is only one tutorial out there (by Vektorboson), and its not even complete (nor updated for about 5-6 months now). This leaves to those of us that want to know and learn how to use dialogs, a bit short on achieving total enlightenment on the subject.
What I want is for those that do know of other references, or know of information dealing with Dialogs that is not in the tutorial, to please step forward and share. Perhaps even make a new Tutorial.