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Author Topic: Completely Frustrated  (Read 1597 times)

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Completely Frustrated
« on: 26 Apr 2003, 00:39:17 »
I didn't want to do this to bother you people with dumb questions, but I am too frustrated to care right now.

I am making a multi-player mission and I am having a few problems. Only 2 scripts i did not make and they are giving me the most problems.

1) I have a description.ext and the respawn markers. Everything is named correct and it works for the most part except they men do not respawn at the base. Do the respawning markers have to be some set way for them to work correctly?

2) With Doolittles Respawning script for OFP v1.46, my vehicles respawn as soon as someone leaves the vehicle. I tried motifying his script and it works but for only some of the vehicles.

If anyone can help me with these problems it would really be appriciated. Especially the description.ext problem. I already tried copying tutorials and they didnt work either. I can always write my own vehicle respawn script. Any help would be appriciated thanks.

Offline Terox

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Re:Completely Frustrated
« Reply #1 on: 26 Apr 2003, 12:41:21 »
the respawn markers need to be of the "ellipse" shape  as far as i know
I have never tried using an "Icon"
and i would stay away from using "Rectangle" markers, jfor respawn just incase they behave in the erratic way that rectangle triggers can behave (eg invisibly migrating to a different location than expected)

basically name the respawn markers

and as you say in the description.EXT
respawn=3        (or base)                     = respawn at the markers
respawndelay=10                                  = delay in seconds for the respawn
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Re:Completely Frustrated
« Reply #2 on: 27 Apr 2003, 20:31:48 »
I already had is set and it still didn't work.

Would it matter if I, didn't put in the respawn markers the first time I saved the mission, but added them in latter before I exported it to a multi-player mission.  ???

Is there some sort-of save order to making an OFP map? ???

Offline Terox

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Re:Completely Frustrated
« Reply #3 on: 28 Apr 2003, 01:58:59 »
well if you set it up exactly how i posted, there shouldnt be a problem

Perhaps, somehow you have grouped the respawn marker to something else

or maybe you have a get pos setpos marker statement somewhere in a script that is triggered by ?alive

Try being a bit more forthcoming with the info

Where exactly are they respawning too, a gamelogic or something like that.

This may be the problem, not necessarily the rrespawn marker
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Re:Completely Frustrated
« Reply #4 on: 28 Apr 2003, 04:13:39 »
The only other script that Im using on respawning soldiers is a modified Reload Guy script, but that is activated by triggers.

The Soldiers are only being respawned to a marker that is all.

I think im going to try rebuilding the mission and this time not doing the rest of the mission untill im sure the respawning works. I am also going to take a look at some tutorials too.

Thanks for your help Terox

Also just in case here is my exact description.ext script....


titleParam1 = "Time:";
valuesParam1[] = {10000, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2700, 3600, 7200};
defValueParam1 = 1800;
textsParam1[] = {"Unlimited", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", "20 min", "25 min", "30 min", "45 min", "1 hour", "2 hours"};

titleParam2 = "Score To Win:";
valuesParam2[] = {10000, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30};
defValueParam2 = 5;
textsParam2[] = {"Unlimited", 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30};

disabledAI = 1;

Also on a side note, Terox your name seems very fimiliar from when I used to play on Stoners House of Pancakes. My name then was Duo Maxwell. I should find Tact. and see if he remembers me, he was the one who first showed me how to make maps, but its been so long, I have been doing a lot of traveling and I'm finally home for good and I thought I would play OFP again and see if I could still make a map.


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Re:Completely Frustrated
« Reply #5 on: 28 Apr 2003, 18:01:40 »
The contents of your description.ext are right on the money, so you must be using it wrong.  You better make sure your description.ext has the right extension, without the old hidden .txt or .sqs or whatever behind it.  Double check that it's in the right folder.  Remember that when you save to a different filename in the editor, it doesn't copy the folder contents along with the .sqm.

Even if the markers were wrong, you would respawn where you died if the .ext were being read.  Any shape/size marker can be used.

The way I save MP missions for testing is do export to multiplayer missions.  Keep in mind that if you run the mission from the multiplayer menu, it becomes read-only until you exit OFP (you can't overwrite it by exporting again).  You can work around this by renaming the .pbo file in MPMissions before running the test.


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Re:Completely Frustrated
« Reply #6 on: 30 Apr 2003, 04:04:59 »
Tactician and Terox sorry for wasting your time with this one....


I named the respawn markers


When is really should have been the other way around.

Sorry about that one, but my map is working perfectly except the vehicle respawn script, but I think I am going to make my own script for it. Thank You Guys :cheers: