Well I have tried something but I havent been succesfull yet
First of all you dont need the Unload waypoint for the men, you can just give them the waypoint for them to goto when out of the helo.
If you put the following sentence in the Helo's TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint then it will just sit there till the men are out so no more dead guys when the helo takes off.
goes into TRANSPORT UNLOAD wp's "on activation" box:
"unassignvehicle _x" foreach units groupname
for this you better initialize the group with:
groupname=group this; "_x movincargo heloname" foreach units groupname
as the "foreach units group this" thing in your officers init line does not apply to the group when "group this" is put into the helo's WP, you need a specified name then.
I tried an action like this following the unassign stuff in the helo's WP,
gto="getout"; "unassignvehicle _x" foreach units groupname; "_x action [gto,heloname]" foreach units groupname
This doesnt work althought when I had used it with the Eject command it did work o.k. and this way all the AI in your group is ejected automatically. I might be using the wrong command (however GETOUT seems pretty o.k. to me) .....please someone correct me if I am wrong.