Thanks for the reply macguba. I went back to the drawing board and decided to start off basic rather than try to finish my mission itself.
I made a very simple intro with a very basic win & lose scene along with a simple mission. They all tested fine in the editor. I then exported it to single missions. When I played it, the intro did work, as did the win scene. The only problem this time is the lose scene did not play.
If you have the time, I have attached a zip file with this basic mission. Maybe you can tell me what I did wrong. I am not really worried with fancy camera angles and frills at this point in time. I just want to make certain I know how to make the intros/mission/win/lose scenes work properly.
I did notice a different file name after exporting this test mission so I was obviously doing something wrong in regard to my original question, "Intro won't work...". I will have to go back and look at it carefully. First, I need to make sure I understand the basics.
Thanks for any help you or anyone can give me.