I know you've basically solved your problem, but for the sake of completness ...... there are two fire commands
unit fire weaponName
Operand types:
unit: Object
weaponName: String
Type of returned value:
Unit will fire from given weapon.
soldierOne fire "HandGrenade"
comment »
unit fire array
Operand types:
unit: Object
array: Array
Type of returned value:
Unit will fire from given weapon. Argument has format [muzzle, mode, magazine] or [muzzle, mode].
soldierOne fire ["throw","SmokeShell","SmokeShell"]
General tip
If you want to do something
And you don't know how
But you can think of a good keyword associated with the problem
Like "fire" in this case
Look up the keyword in the Command Ref
It's amazing how often you get lucky
Actually its well worth reading the Command ref just so you know what's in there