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Author Topic: Prob with wilbur  (Read 4103 times)

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Prob with wilbur
« on: 31 Aug 2002, 21:25:24 »
Yes I have a problem with wilbur. Whenever I try to make something with the brush or the raise/lower tool it atomaticaly goes all the way. It is like a cone shape. I cannot get it to make a smooth surface unless I raise it to the fulles or lower it to the lowest. Please help  :-\


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #1 on: 31 Aug 2002, 21:34:11 »
I use Terragen myself...but, you can try to set the level of strength that your applying.. there in circles on the left side.


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #2 on: 31 Aug 2002, 21:58:28 »
Ya I just downladed tarrogen and am trying that. But I cant view my island the camera dont show up >:(.


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #3 on: 31 Aug 2002, 22:53:03 »
Problem Solved ;D ;D


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #4 on: 31 Aug 2002, 23:09:41 »
Check my tuts in the sticky above for any help using the program :)


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #5 on: 01 Sep 2002, 00:06:33 »
Does anyone know of a faster way to put in objects? If so enlighten me please :).


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #6 on: 01 Sep 2002, 00:26:15 »
Nope clicking is the fastest way :\


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #7 on: 01 Sep 2002, 06:14:10 »
Now i have an island but cant get it to work. >:( >:( >:(. Where the hell is a grenade when you need one?

Offline Planck

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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #8 on: 01 Sep 2002, 17:57:05 »

What do you mean it won`t work?

Do you mean it doesn`t load into WrpEdit or do you mean you can`t get it pbo'd for use ingame?

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #9 on: 01 Sep 2002, 20:01:36 »
I got it pbo'd but it wont show up in game. There isnt even a blank spot on my map list.


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #10 on: 01 Sep 2002, 20:31:58 »
Sounds like a cpp error?
I not a specialist with cpp's so someone else might have a go...

Waterman. :)

Offline Nixer6

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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #11 on: 01 Sep 2002, 20:48:58 »
The main problem that I have with Wilbur is that it CTD's if I try a big Island >:(

SFG: You use just Terragen? How do you do detailed work with it? I cannnot do anything detailed with it, Is there a way to zoom in on the landscape? If there is I haven't figured it out :'(

Why do I have to be a Rocket Scientist to make a good mission?

Offline Planck

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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #12 on: 01 Sep 2002, 22:12:28 »

Send it to me..........your pbo..........I`ll have a look at it.


I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #13 on: 03 Sep 2002, 17:36:18 »
Yes I have a problem with wilbur. Whenever I try to make something with the brush or the raise/lower tool it atomaticaly goes all the way. It is like a cone shape. I cannot get it to make a smooth surface unless I raise it to the fulles or lower it to the lowest. Please help  :-\

there is a button up the top with a little sun icon on it, click that each time you want to see the better outcome, there you go.  :D

cheers ;D
« Last Edit: 03 Sep 2002, 17:59:40 by Cedaie »


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #14 on: 04 Sep 2002, 11:23:28 »
Where i can find that wilbur please??, i have seen the movie with that but i cant find wilbur


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #15 on: 05 Sep 2002, 03:02:41 »
When In looking for something,the easienst way is to google it ,that's how I found it and I resolved the problem of the paint brush going all the way up by clicking on the blue C icon and setting the Value to 10,remember to use the brush and not the hill of dig icons ;)

As for my problem,I'm trying to do an island that needs an x direction airport euh..I dunno the word in english  ??? that road that airplanes take off from  :P

I saw one in resistance on the north of nogojev,does anyone know how to acess it and what the paa or pac name for the file is?


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #16 on: 05 Sep 2002, 22:08:40 »
Its what u called runway, but anyways I think wilbur is preety simple to use, as long as you use the brush, use raise and lower button less often. I still have a problem with how do i pbo'd my island, can anyone give me a hand?

Offline Planck

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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #17 on: 05 Sep 2002, 23:50:49 »
If you want to pbo your island for viewing in-game you need to make a config.cpp file for it.

Once you have one use StuffPBO and make your .wrp file and the config.cpp into a pbo and put it in your Addons folder.

You can use Marksmans automatic config.cpp maker, although his latest version requires you to have ActivePerl installed.

There is another one by Cyrus-The-Virus.

Available here:


This one has a slight problem with the word `class`, you may have to edit the resulting config.cpp and change all instances of the word `Class`  to   `class`.

If you still feel unsure send your .wrp to me and I'll pbo it for you.


I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Prob with wilbur
« Reply #18 on: 06 Sep 2002, 01:37:10 »
The best way to learn is to depbo an island and learn from it,I started doing islands last week and learned from de-pboing(new verb)Cobraisland..hope you dont mind folgore hehe

By the way Folgore,
keep at it,i'm a kid from the eighties too so I got a weak spot for the joe's..more of a cobra fan myself though.

Until I see a hiss...(pun intended)...Ciao!