Lol Tomb. ;D
[EDIT] Ah crap - you want to know how to
set damage! God damn! Well, try camcreating bullets...I'm too lazy to type out how to do that. Someone else do it ;D
If you want a rough estimation of where someone is hit, add a 'dammaged' eventhandler.
In the eventhandler, when the person is damaged something happens (which you specify). An array is also made which contains the part of the model which was hit and by how much.
If you use a 'hint format' to find the name of the head section (by adding an eventhandler then shooting him in the head
) you can then detect it in a script or whatever.
this addeventhandler ["dammaged",{hint format ["Name of hit part: %1", (_this select 1)]}]
Put this in the init then shoot a guy to see the name of the fired part.
If you then use a script to detect it, you can see where he was hit.
this addeventhandler ["dammaged",{[_this] exec "nameofscript.sqs"
Then in nameofscript.sqs you put
?_this select 1==hlava:hint "hit in the head"
?_this select 1==ruce:hint "Hit in the head (2)"
I think there was two of them (hlava,ruce) so you'll have to test more.
This is untested, remember, and there are no doubt errors so look out ;D