The Ed Depot has loads of stuff on Wrpedit.
I know you don't want to delete any units, but just in case it helps ...
macguba's quick guide to reducing lag
The main causes of lag (in no particular order) are:-
Aircraft and choppers - These are the ultimate lag demons. Do you really need them? Do you really need that many? If you do, can they land somewhere while they are not needed?
Ground vehicles - Particularly if they are of many different types, since OFP has to run the movement characteristics of every type of vehicle in the mission. Reduce the number of types, and there is less going on in the background. Do you really need both BMPs and BMP2s? Similarly weapon types etc.
Waypoints - Use as few as you can
Triggers - If several events can be traced back to one root cause, use just one trigger and do everything else in a script
Scripts - Ususally a good thing, since they reduce the need for triggers. However, there are two places to be careful. Using @condition (which is very bad) and fast loops. Triggers check themselves every 0.5 seconds. Do you really need your loop to run faster than that?
Groups - The fewer the groups, the less the lag. Single soldiers are not too bad for lag, so if needs be you can make existing groups bigger.
Irrelevant units/vehicles - We all like a bit of eye candy, but think about what you are doing. A few well placed vehicles can make a camp look a lot busier than a lot of badly placed ones. Use static or empty objects rather than soldiers.
Units close by - The further away a unit is from the player, the less lag it will cause. In other words have your A10s circling a long way off.
Cloudlets/particles - Be they ordinary fires or helicopter dust scripts.