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Author Topic: AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!  (Read 12027 times)

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #60 on: 02 Oct 2002, 04:03:12 »
Well, as a veteran of the U.S. Navy, I can confirm that the largest ships ever built are the Nimitz class carriers.  When I say largest I mean overall size and weight.  Ironically, the U.S.S. Enterprise (built decades ago) was the longest carrier built.  And, consider this when you mull over American naval strength.  We have 14 operational carriers with more coming online every year.  But we also have several decomissioned super carriers of older classes available for use within two months time and a fleet of standby aircraft parked out in the Sonoran desert in Tucson Arizona (I know this because I live there) to complement them.  Aside from nuclear weapons, the ultimate tool for power projection and control of the sea lanes is the modern carrier battle group.  Oh, I'm also glad to see the English are getting back into the power projection business with their own super carriers.  It is nice speaking as an American to see our friends have a little muscle to flex.  

Next topic.  They are called stealth fighters for a reason.  That reason being that they are "difficult" to detect without the best and newest radar systems, and even then it is extremely hard to spot them as their signature is akin to that of a large bird (albeit one doing 550 knots at 35,000 feet ).  If they were impossible to spot on radar they would be called Invisible fighters or Undetectable fighters or more likely, they wouldn't be called anything as our government would never let out we had something like that in our arsenal.  


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #61 on: 02 Oct 2002, 04:24:15 »
We don't bomb 3rd world countries to kill children, we do it to kill the terrorist that kill our children. Rarely do we kill civilians, and the only time we do it is when technology fails us,or someone screws up,but we never do it on purpose ,thats the bad side of advancent, technology isn't perfect and never will be because no matter how far in the future we get there will always be human error....

I was talking about the... Never mind, thats waaaay off topic  ;)

Ferret Fangs

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #62 on: 02 Oct 2002, 07:20:07 »
Geez, Schoeler! Let all of our secrets out of the bag, why don't ya?!?! And you told them about the reserve forces, as well... Thats just fawkin' great!
Hey, anyone who was just completely pissed off to find out about our completely unfair warfighting capabilities, please disregard Schoeler's post...  hehe.
Oh, and Schoeler? Hoorah, shipmate.


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #63 on: 06 Oct 2002, 23:23:19 »
You guys for got to Mention the Secret...
Hey! What are you- (POW)  :noo: (Punch) (Biff) (Bang)  :gunman: You Government Bas-  :gunman:  :gunman: Stop it!!  :help: (Punch) (Explosion).
I'm okay Guys...  :beat: I'm just going to Visit the Hospital Now. Peace  :-X


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #64 on: 11 Oct 2002, 20:20:48 »
How's that aircraft carrier going? Just curios about if its going to be released? Its been quite dead here for a while.. ???


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #65 on: 23 Mar 2003, 23:53:54 »
hey how much longer until the aircraft carrier is done, cause i would like to have it


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #66 on: 04 Apr 2003, 00:07:18 »
a little bit off subject once more

but i feel it illustrates the aragance of the US military (no offence yanks)

the following is roughly a REAL radio transcript between the Canadian and US navys, i have made up the names and exact words coz i forget them but this is roughly how it went

USS American: "Tango Canida, you are on a collision course, change bearing to 123"

Tango Canida: "negative, you change your bearing to 43"

USS American: "You are on a collision course with a US warship, change your bearing to 123"

Tango Canida:" negative, you must change YOUR bearing to 43"

USS American:" This is the USS American of the United States Navy, you must change YOUR bearing."

Tango Canida: "USS America this is a light house... your call."

Offline Noon416

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #67 on: 04 Apr 2003, 00:57:14 »

This thread was started about creating/editing an Ingame Aircraft Carrier.

This thread is not a vessel for political discussion (thats why we have POLWAR).

Please get this thread back ON TOPIC and KEEP IT THERE.

Last warning ...
"If a man talks in the woods and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?"


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #68 on: 04 Apr 2003, 11:50:29 »
And, as you might have already guessed, it's an urban legend;


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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #69 on: 04 Apr 2003, 19:30:11 »
oh well it's a funny story
and you know what the americans are like it's not that unbelievable

Ferret Fangs

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #70 on: 04 Apr 2003, 23:23:29 »
Uh what part of the Moderator's last post did you guys NOT understand? LET IT GO, ALREADY! Geeez!

Offline Jonno

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Re:AirCraft Carrier InGAME Pics!!!!!
« Reply #71 on: 05 Apr 2003, 00:22:56 »
After Noon has given a final warning you continuie to take it off topic? well sorry but

Topic Locked!

Move any political discussions to a thread in POLWAR, and keep it civil at all times ;-)

The Author of this thread may wish to start another one to carry on this discussion, that being the Aircraft Carrier
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