I wonder if you can arguement a label
[#labelname] exec "script.sqs"
ans somehow that would pass everything below it, that'd be cool, 5 sqs in one!
You sure can... I use this in every single mission I make... I generally have one script for
all my cutscenes (including intro and outros), and one for
all my radio chatter/special event scripting. They can generally get as large as 25kb!
The first part of the script looks something like this:
_call = _this select 0
goto _call
hint "Error in Radio.sqs"
unit1 sidechat "We're boarding now"
(_this select 1) sidechat "We're getting out of here!"
So using that as an example, I might have this line in the get in waypoint of unit1:
["boarding"] exec "Radio.sqs"
And this in the waypoint of a unit2, exiting the combat area:
unit2 ] exec "Radio.sqs"
Saves the need to have 50 or so scripts in a mission folder