hey all,
I need the string name or init string or what ever its called for the LGB bombs that are on the A10LGB in the game. here is the script i'm using:
_AmmoType = "Mine"
_Unit = _this select 0
_Explosion = GetPos _Unit
_cx = _Explosion select 0
_cy = _Explosion select 1
_cz = _Explosion select 2
_tempObj = _AmmoType camCreate[_cx, _cy, _cz]
_tempobj = objNull
Were it says this, _AmmoType = "Mine" , I need to replace the mine with a bomb lets say that. The list of weapons I use is right here:
Weapons and magazines
Config entry: CfgWeapons
Value Description
+ Shell73
+ Heat73
+ Gun73
+ Shell105
+ Heat105
+ Gun105
+ Shell120
+ Heat120
+ Gun120
+ Shell125
+ Heat125
+ Gun125
+ MGun
+ Riffle
+ StrokeFist
+ M16
+ M4
+ AK47
+ AK47CZ
+ AK74
+ AK74SU
+ HK
+ SniperRiffle
+ M21
+ SVDDragunov
+ Binocular
+ NVGoggles
+ MachineGun7_6
+ MachineGun7_6Manual
+ M60
+ PK
+ MachineGun12_7
+ Browning
+ MachineGun30
+ MachineGun30A10
+ ZsuCannon
+ GrenadeLauncher
+ RiffleGrenadeLauncher
+ M16GrenadeLauncher
+ AK47GrenadeLauncher
+ AK74GrenadeLauncher
+ Mortar
+ Flare
+ FlareGreen
+ FlareRed
+ HandGrenade
+ SmokeShell
+ SmokeShellRed
+ SmokeShellGreen
+ Put
+ Mine
+ MineE
+ PipeBomb
+ LAWLauncher
+ RPGLauncher
+ CarlGustavLauncher
+ AT4Launcher
+ AALauncher
+ 9K32Launcher
+ AT3Launcher
+ HellfireLauncher
+ ZuniLauncher38
+ Rocket57x64
+ Rocket57x192
+ HellfireLauncherCobra
+ HellfireLauncherHind
+ MaverickLauncher
+ CarHorn
+ TruckHorn
+ SportCarHorn
But no were does it walk of the bomb from the A10. Can anyone give me the init string for the bombs?
Brendan G.