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Author Topic: BIS weapons replacement .bin  (Read 841 times)

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BIS weapons replacement .bin
« on: 27 Mar 2003, 07:10:21 »

     Yes. I'm touching a very taboo subject once again because I've resolved to finally at whatever cost make a modification to the BIS weapons with as much statistical data as I can find on each weapon. Only I am running into problems. I've already modified a fair amount of weapons including the Fal and the G3 which I found out through a bit of poking around, that it does the same damage as a cz75 pistol. Unacceptable! These rifles are more powerful than an m16 and yet they're relegated to a hit damage of '7'.

      Anyhow. I'm having trouble overwriting the HK class as the mp5sd6 is my next target for alteration. Yet, it does not seem to be overriding the class. Nothing I do seems to change it. It's pretty silly to me that a perfectly good weapon would go to waste (for me at least) because it has a muzzle velocity and dispersion much higher and lower (respectively) than it should.

     Also, given consideration of the potential for cheating which, isn't my goal... as I've said... many, many, many times... I would also like to know exactly what process you must go through to restrict MP play by causing "Modified Config" messages. To discourage any type of unauthorized usage.

     Any info on this can be forwarded to my e-mail address in my profile if one does not feel like making the answers to the questions public. Any insight as to my dilemma would be appreciated. Comments about such things being motivated by cheating and other crap are not.

Thank you.