Hey Demon. I'm making a mission with that feature too atm. This is a part of my camscript:
;bla bla bla..........Begin of Script...........
_camera CamSetTarget CamTarget1
_camera CamSetRelPos [0,6,0.5]
_camera Camcommit 0
titleCut ["The East Team","BLACK IN",5]
E1 switchMove "JSDFstandguard1"
E2 switchMove "FXInKneel"
E3 switchmove "JSDFstandattready1"
titleCut ["","PLAIN",1]
;?!(E1==player) : goto "E2TAKE"
_E1name=name E1
_camera CamSetTarget E1
_camera CamSetRelPos [0,1.5,1.5]
_camera CamCommit 1
titleText [_E1name,"PLAIN DOWN",2]
;?!(E2==player) : goto "E3TAKE"
_E2name=name E2
_camera CamSetTarget E2
_camera CamSetRelPos [0,1.5,1]
_camera CamCommit 1
titleText [_E2name,"PLAIN DOWN",2]
;?!(E3==player) : goto "WestTAKE"
_E3name=name E3
_camera CamSetTarget E3
_camera CamSetRelPos [0,1.5,1.5]
_camera CamCommit 1
titleText [_E3name,"PLAIN DOWN",2]
;continued bla bla......Rest of Script...............
Camtarget1 = a target behind the East team, I use it as an wide shot of the team. I quess ya could use a team member too as target.
E1,E2,E3...... are the names given to the players in the editor...
You can take the ; away if yer enabeling the AI ( put *this disableAI "AUTOtarget"* in their init when ya do, so they dont look everywhere during the shot).
This is just a part of the script, the rest is not includeed here to save space and patience
Ow and I'm using JSDF's animation addon here, so get rid of the "switchmove" lines if yer trying this in yer mission.
Hope this helps ya a bit