Okay Lilty, passing it through the Bat-Spectral-Crime-Analyser....
*machine coughs blue smoke and bursts into flames*
Stupid iMac! WORK!
"Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, yay yay I seem to be in possession of incredible skills in relation to this video game mister Kooky sir!"
Our unit is dedicated to the latest tactical advances in modern war... we have:
"So cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel" Division, headed by resident Baldrick-alike Vade
Necrophillia Division, headed by Supafly
High-On-Lemon-Jif Divison, headed by Deadmeat
Hammering Division, headed by Lilty
Bass and Hatherley Divison, headed by me.
So as you can see, we can do all the things the Americans forget when we (READ: They) go and bomb the sh*t out of some stone-age country. Dead gets bombed off cleaning products, Supa gets busy with the bodies, Lilty uses his undo-hammer to sort out the hospitals and red cross buildings that get totalled, Vade is cunning and smelly at the same time, and I make sure Ms. Hatherley is... comfortable when she visits the troops...
We just need a Lead-Based Killery Division now, we don't go in for that fighting lark too much.