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Author Topic: Landrover 110  (Read 51345 times)

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Offline Davies1

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #210 on: 16 Nov 2002, 15:17:10 »
look forward to kicking your arse on Stoners again cplime ;D
Beer is the fuel for the Heavy Metal Engine.


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #211 on: 16 Nov 2002, 15:44:28 »
Excellent work Lilty! I can't find (m)any faults with the beta ;)

That is, except:

-The thing goes like poo off a shovel, but this isn't anything major... I just drive the thing with the 'Q' key
-It feels a bit jeep-like, not hefty enough, but then again I've never driven a Landy or a M151 MUTT in my life, so who am I to say how it drives?
-There's no option to waft farts sat in the back  ;D

Apart from that, I'm well impressed mate!

BTW, does anyone have the problem i have with wheeled vehicles? Since 1.85 (or maybe it could have been 1.75) when I push a truck/jeep/car to its balls-out top speed, it refuses to turn more than about 5 degrees, so i have to slam on and swerve, but by then i've lost my momentum and spend a second or two wheel-spinning with 7.62 short clanging around the cab. It really makes it hard to go at top speeds down roads, cause any slight bends make me either have to stop and take it like my mum would in our 1 litre fiesta, or cream into a tree like i would in our 1 litre fiesta  :-\

Any suggestions, or do i have to strap dynamite to my belt again and jump through a window at BIS?

Offline Davies1

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #212 on: 17 Nov 2002, 01:59:07 »
same here. No matter how fast I drive I have to stop accelerating and turn then apply gas again as it only moves a few degrees....

Still testing lilty
Beer is the fuel for the Heavy Metal Engine.


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #213 on: 17 Nov 2002, 15:30:24 »
Phew. I thought it was just me being a terrible driver!

Well, I'll go and beast the Landy for a bit and see if I can break it  ;D


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #214 on: 17 Nov 2002, 17:10:20 »
Thanks for the feedback guys, sorry I've been so long in replying but I've been running round like a blue arsed fly - I found out Thursday that I'm starting in Bristol Monday (tomorrow), I'm gonna be in Blackpool for 4 days the week after and after that I don't know what's going on  :( but it looks like I'm gonna miss the next training session :( shame I was looking forward to a bit of mindless destruction  ;D, but you never know the next one I make I may be on broadband for :) and if it looks like I'm gonna be living in a hotel for a while (just like Alan Partridge ;)) then I think I may have to look into getting myself a laptop cos I don't think I can put up with not having net acccess or Fladshpoint for that long.
Anyway, I know what you mean about it being jeep-like, the config needes a bit of messing with, at the moment it's essentially a heavier, faster jeep that accellerates way too fast for a diesel  ;)
Funnily enough I didn't think of driving a tank over it, can't think why I tried just about every othrer bit of weaponry on it.
I'll see what I can do about the bugs you've found and sort out that bloody steering heel cos I think it looks terrible at the moment.
Anyway a question for you guys, do you think I should make the beta ver generally available since I'm not gonna have much chance to look at it for at least 2 weeks, apart from at the weekend ???


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #215 on: 17 Nov 2002, 20:16:20 »
What do you mean you can't make practice!? I didn't leave my left leg and my right lung in Arnhem just so British people could turn into cappucino-swilling Europeans, working on their inter-web computer-screens in bloody hotels and drinking lukewarn Heineken from a wine glass or whatever those European weirdos do... back in my day if you saw someone drinking German beer you shot him and nicked his watch, then split his country in half with the Commies...

*Kooky uses a crowbar to get his grandfather off the keyboard*

Phew. Sorry about that, the old git got out of the institution again  ::) Don't worry Lilty, if you get bored and want to indulge in mindless violence, a doorknob in a sock is almost as fun as a bayonet  ;)


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #216 on: 17 Nov 2002, 21:42:26 »
Hmmm not much of that going on in Brizol, just lots of zider drinking OOAAARRRRR! ;)
I just hope that I've only got the one trip to Blackpool cos then I can get on with finding somewhere to live and getting a 1meg line from Telewest  ;D


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #217 on: 17 Nov 2002, 21:59:34 »
Cool, I'm with Telewest. Good service and everything. The tech didn't even drink that much tea, and told me a lot of cool things about computers, the internet, how to find out if your old man's been looking at porn even if he's wiped the temp internet folder, and his tour of Bosnia when he was in the army, and the time his mate pissed on the eternal flame and almost got them shot up by the locals  ;D

Offline Davies1

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #218 on: 18 Nov 2002, 17:54:56 »

heh there's a telewest thing going on.. I'm with them. May end up in your clan too (Royal sardines? ;) )

Our tech was good too. He drank NO tea and even helped me lug my hefty music equipment to the other room so's I wouldn't smash the doorframes ;D
Also next time you are on radio Alan, could you mention me? ;)

Cider!!!! that stuff sends me loopy! Hows the guinness up there? Pretty shit here recently and overpriced! - you lucky devil liltmon!

Also you can really track down the porn? haha! thats a good one! I am gagging to find out so I can catch my brother! I swear he's cracking 'em off left right and centre!
My girlfriends also intrigued to find out what he's been looking
at :D Bless him.

Ok later on.
Beer is the fuel for the Heavy Metal Engine.


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #219 on: 18 Nov 2002, 22:52:48 »
Sorry Davies, my "L33T LIEK JEFF K!!!!!!!1" (see www.somethingawful.com) skills must only be used for good... unless I get paid a lot, natch  ;D


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #220 on: 23 Nov 2002, 00:58:01 »
Lo DeLiltMon how is the beta chase going what is the status m8 ???


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #221 on: 24 Nov 2002, 14:53:03 »
Not much progress I'm afraid, been up in Blackpool all week and I'm up there next week too, it's bloody dull and there's no net access  :(
I'm hoping to be able to mess around with the config today before I go back to Bristol, that new tutorial on configs should help  ;)
After next week I'll be looking for somewhere tolive in Bristol so hopefully I'll soon be able to get back to working on the landy properly.
In the mean time here's the link to the Beta version so you can have something to be going on with:


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #222 on: 24 Nov 2002, 17:03:47 »
Will you be making a 1.46 compatiable version?


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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #223 on: 25 Nov 2002, 06:26:51 »
Hey DeLiltMon played awhile with the landy and it looks good Are you gonna make a open version now with a machinegun on top and a radar box on the back + some antennas on both sides on the back ???

Offline woofer

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Re:Landrover 110
« Reply #224 on: 26 Nov 2002, 20:15:04 »
at the moment it's essentially a heavier, faster jeep that accellerates way too fast for a diesel

You haven't been in ma astra...

email notifications sulking so didn't know a page had been added >:(

Back too the LR - Only ever driven MkIII's that were knackered - but you can get them to accellerate like a 1.2l petrol and keep going (LR + Trailer @ 90mph anyone?)

Wolfs are cool - Turbo whistling at you as you cut up another johnny-boy who thinks spoilers and 5 point harness's make a Nova go faster...