hey toadlife,
Simulate a landinghook:
[tomcat,0,0.2] exec "changevel.sqs"
Simulate a catapult:
[tomcat,200,0.2] exec "changevel.sqs"
_vehicle = _this select 0
_goal = _this select 1
_rate = _this select 2
_speed = speed _vehicle
?_speed > _goal:goto "slowdown"
goto "speedup"
_vehicle setvelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0) / 1.05,(velocity _vehicle select 1) / 1.05,(velocity _vehicle select 2) / 1.05]
?speed _vehicle <= _goal:exit
goto "slowdown"
_vehicle setvelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0) * 1.05,(velocity _vehicle select 1) * 1.05,(velocity _vehicle select 2) * 1.05]
?speed _vehicle >= _goal:exit
goto "speedup"
Sorry, this script don`t work. There is a error. I think, my computer don`t know the word "setvelocity".
p.s.: So much I know, they will first relase the Aircaft carrier from the World War 2, then the American Aircaft carrier. Fuck, I`m waiting motherfuckin 7 month for it. They ever said, yeees, tomorow we`ll relase it. But the next day they said the same shit.
Okay my friends, please make a script without errors or a script with words, which my computer know ! Or I need a new config.bin (Sorry for my shitty english) ;D