Create ONE trigger for each ending - End#1, End#2 etc.
Use variables to fire the triggers. For example, when Objective 1 is complete, the variable Done1 is set to true. Your trigger would look like this
On activation: "1" ObjStatus "done"; Done1=true
Trigger End#1
Condition: Done1 and Done2
Trigger End#2
Condition: Done2 and (not Done1)
So if you complete Obj 2 first, the mission will end. Remember to initialise your variables in init.sqs by writing
Done1=false etc.
This is necessary since OFP doesn't get on with variables it hasn't met before.
You can see a real life example of this in the
Tutorial Mission in the Editors Depot, where you get a mission failed if the civvy driving the tractor is killed.
Make sure that your mission will always end correctly. Your variables and triggers must cover all possibilities, so that if the player screws up or does things in the wrong order the mission will still end.
The radio thing uses the same principle. Create a trigger
Condition: Done1 and Done2 and Done3
On activation: "1" setRadioMsg "Come and get us."
Live example in the tutorial mission, though its calling for chopper anti-tank support rather than exfil.
Hope that helps.