hi all ;D
I know u can do this by placing a seperate dude as pilot then another as gunner and tell em to each moveindriver and moveingunner and set each ones behaviour respectively---But I need to do this in a script where the map maker has placed a single "manned" not "empty" chopper.
I know its possible cause bremmer did it in his AIcontrol script for retreating troops--he used a global variable "yellow".
#1. Im not able to extrapolate on bremmers code and apply it to chopper scenario-- its a bit hard for me :'(
#2 I dont wanna use a global variable cause the script Im applying this to is gonna be run by multiple choppers at differing times:o
Here some code of what bremmer used:
;get the name, units and number in the group
_units = units group _unit
_count = count _units
_group = group _unit
? _count < 4 : goto "general_retreat1"
;create a new group leader
_select = (_count / 2) - ((_count / 2) % 1)
_unit = _units select _select
[_unit] join grpnull
yellow = group _unit
_select = _select + 1
;assign half the existing group to the new group
_unit = _units select _select
[_unit] join yellow
_select = _select + 1
?_select < _count : goto "assign"
;reassign the group tags
_group1 = group (_units select 0)
_group2 = group _unit
_groups = [_group1, _group2]
_group1 = _groups select 0
_group2 = _groups select 1
I cant seem to get my head around it and apply it to a chopper so I can set pilot to different behaviour to gunner cause they are grouped to each other.
Any help appreciated ;D
Zay out