Winters - the error is self-explaining in combination with
my complicated explanation above ;D
_this = the array, calling the script
_this select 0 = the first element of the error, _this select 1
the second one, and so on
When using _this = _this select 0
_this is an array and you want to replace the array by
an element of the array.
e.g: [me,and,mybuddy] exec "script.sqs"
by default (without predefining variables in your script)
you have already 4 pre-defined variables here.
_this - this is the whole array, which called the script
in our case now: [me,and,mybuddy]
_this select 0 - first element of the array
in our case: me
_this select 1 - second element
here: and
_this select 2 - third element
in our case: mybuddy
You cannot make: array = element, as you are doing above.
This is what causes your error message.
Just replace _this with anything else, and it should work.
_anythingelse = _this select 0
~S~ CD